var fileReader = new FileReader(); fileReader.onload = function(ev) { try { var data = var workbook =, { type: 'binary' }) // 以二进制流方式读取得到整份excel表格对象 var persons = []; // 存储获取到的数据 } catch (e) { console.log('文件类型不正确'); return; } // 表格的表格范围,可用于判断表头是否数量是否正确 var fromTo = ''; // 遍历每张表读取 for (var sheet in workbook.Sheets) { if (workbook.Sheets.hasOwnProperty(sheet)) { fromTo = workbook.Sheets[sheet]['!ref']; console.log(fromTo); persons = persons.concat(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheet])); // break; // 如果只取第一张表,就取消注释这行 } } //在控制台打印出来表格中的数据 console.log(persons); var tableHtml = '
'; var tableWith=window.innerWidth-100;{ title: '数据文件预览', type: '1', closeBtn: false, area: [tableWith+'px', '600px'], content: '
' + tableHtml + '
', success: function (obj, layerIndex) { for(var j=0;j"); } $("#tablebody").append(""); for (var i in arr) { //alert(i+"---"+arr[i]); if(j==0){ $(".exceltitle").append(""+i+""); } $(".excelcontent").eq(j).append(""+arr[i]+""); } if(j>20){ break; } } $('.upload-close-btn').on('click',function(){ layer.confirm('您确定要取消上传吗?', {icon: 3, title:'提示'}, function(index){ layer.closeAll(); }); }); } }); }; function uploadShow(options) { var settings = { sessionId: '0', url:'', choose:function(obj){ console.log('选择完成'); console.log(obj); }, before:function(obj){ console.log('上传前'); console.log(obj); }, done: function(res, index, upload){ console.log('上传成功'); console.log(res); }, allDone: function(obj){ console.log('多文件上传回调'); console.log(obj); }, error: function (index, upload) { console.log('上传失败'); console.log(index); }, progress: function(n, elem){ console.log('上传进度'); var percent = n + '%' } }; ops = $.extend({}, settings, options); var contentHtml = '
';{ title: '上传数据文件', type: '1', closeBtn: false, area: ['800px', 'auto'], content: '
' + contentHtml + '
', success: function (obj, layerIndex) { var boxh = $('#layui-layer' + layerIndex).height(); var boxt = $('#layui-layer' + layerIndex).offset().top; var bodyh = window.innerHeight; //重新给指定层设定width、top等 var demoListView=$('#readyfile'+ops.sessionId), uploadListIns = upload.render({ elem: '#selectfiles'+ops.sessionId , url: ops.url , accept: 'file' , acceptMime:'.xls,.xlsx' , exts:'xls|xlsx' , multiple: true , auto: false , size: 10*1024 , bindAction: '#postfiles'+ops.sessionId , data: { use: 'file', action: 'project' } , choose: function (obj) { var files = this.files = obj.pushFile(); //将每次选择的文件追加到文件队列 //读取本地文件 obj.preview(function (index, file, result) { var tr = $(['' , '' + + '' , '
' , '等待上传' , '' + (file.size / (1024 * 1024)).toFixed(1) + 'MB' , '' , '' , '删除' , '' , ''].join('')); // 以二进制方式打开文件 console.log(file); fileReader.readAsBinaryString(file); //单个重传 tr.find('.demo-reload').on('click', function () { var idx = $(this).data('index'); obj.upload(idx, file); }); //删除 tr.find('.demo-delete').on('click', function () { delete files[index]; //删除对应的文件 tr.remove(); if(demoListView.find('tr').length==1){ demoListView.append('请点击【添加文件】按钮,选择需要上传的文件'); } else{ boxh=boxh-44; } boxt=(bodyh-boxh)/2;, { height:boxh, top:boxt }); $('.layui-layer-content').css({'height':'auto'});[0].value = ''; //清空 input file 值,以免删除后出现同名文件不可选 }); demoListView.append(tr); if($('.upload-file-none').length>0){ $('.upload-file-none').remove(); } else{ boxh=boxh+44; } boxt=(bodyh-boxh)/2;, { height:boxh, top:boxt }); $('.layui-layer-content').css({'height':'auto'}); }); } , done: function (res, index, upload) { if (res.code == 1) { //上传成功 var tr = demoListView.find('tr#upload-' + index) , tds = tr.children(); tds.eq(2).html('上传成功'); uploadId.push(; tds.eq(4).html('删除'); return delete this.files[index]; //删除文件队列已经上传成功的文件 } this.error(index, upload); }, progress: function (index, file, percent) { $('#progress_' + index).html(percent * 100 + '%'); var tr = demoListView.find('tr#upload-' + index) , tds = tr.children(); tds.eq(2).html('上传中...'); console.log(index); console.log(percent); } , error: function (index, upload) { var tr = demoListView.find('tr#upload-' + index) , tds = tr.children(); $('#progress_' + index).html('0%'); tds.eq(2).html('上传失败,请重试'); tds.eq(4).find('.demo-reload').show(); //显示重传 } }); $('.upload-close-btn').on('click',function(){ layer.confirm('您确定要取消上传吗?', {icon: 3, title:'提示'}, function(index){ layer.closeAll(); }); }); } }); } var upload = { config: {} //全局配置项 //设置全局项 ,set: function(options){ var that = this; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, options); return that; } } ,device = function(key){ var agent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase() //获取版本号 ,getVersion = function(label){ var exp = new RegExp(label + '/([^\\s\\_\\-]+)'); label = (agent.match(exp)||[])[1]; return label || false; } //返回结果集 ,result = { os: function(){ //底层操作系统 if(/windows/.test(agent)){ return 'windows'; } else if(/linux/.test(agent)){ return 'linux'; } else if(/iphone|ipod|ipad|ios/.test(agent)){ return 'ios'; } else if(/mac/.test(agent)){ return 'mac'; } }() ,ie: function(){ //ie版本 return (!!win.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in win) ? ( (agent.match(/msie\s(\d+)/) || [])[1] || '11' //由于ie11并没有msie的标识 ) : false; }() ,weixin: getVersion('micromessenger') //是否微信 }; //任意的key if(key && !result[key]){ result[key] = getVersion(key); } //移动设备 = /android/.test(agent); result.ios = result.os === 'ios'; = ( || result.ios) ? true : false; return result; } //操作当前实例 ,thisUpload = function(){ var that = this; return { upload: function(files){, files); } ,reload: function(options){, options); } ,config: that.config } } //字符常量 ,MOD_NAME = 'upload', ELEM = '.layui-upload', THIS = 'layui-this', SHOW = 'layui-show', HIDE = 'layui-hide', DISABLED = 'layui-disabled' ,ELEM_FILE = 'layui-upload-file', ELEM_FORM = 'layui-upload-form', ELEM_IFRAME = 'layui-upload-iframe', ELEM_CHOOSE = 'layui-upload-choose', ELEM_DRAG = 'layui-upload-drag' //构造器 ,Class = function(options){ var that = this; that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, upload.config, options); that.render(); }; //默认配置 Class.prototype.config = { accept: 'images' //允许上传的文件类型:images/file/video/audio ,exts: '' //允许上传的文件后缀名 ,auto: false //是否选完文件后自动上传 ,bindAction: '' //手动上传触发的元素 ,url: '' //上传地址 ,field: 'file' //文件字段名 ,acceptMime: '' //筛选出的文件类型,默认为所有文件 ,method: 'post' //请求上传的 http 类型 ,data: {} //请求上传的额外参数 ,drag: true //是否允许拖拽上传 ,size: 0 //文件限制大小,默认不限制 ,number: 0 //允许同时上传的文件数,默认不限制 ,multiple: false //是否允许多文件上传,不支持ie8-9 }; //初始渲染 Class.prototype.render = function(options){ var that = this ,options = that.config; options.elem = $(options.elem); options.bindAction = $(options.bindAction); that.file();; }; //追加文件域 Class.prototype.file = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,elemFile = that.elemFile = $([ '' ].join('')) ,next =; if(next.hasClass(ELEM_FILE) || next.hasClass(ELEM_FORM)){ next.remove(); } //包裹ie8/9容器 if( && < 10){ options.elem.wrap('
'); } that.isFile() ? ( that.elemFile = options.elem ,options.field = options.elem[0].name ) : options.elem.after(elemFile); //初始化ie8/9的Form域 if( && < 10){ that.initIE(); } }; //ie8-9初始化 Class.prototype.initIE = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,iframe = $('') ,elemForm = $(['
' ,'
'].join('')); //插入iframe $('#'+ ELEM_IFRAME)[0] || $('body').append(iframe); //包裹文件域 if(!{ that.elemFile.wrap(elemForm); //追加额外的参数'.'+ ELEM_FORM).append(function(){ var arr = []; $.each(, function(key, value){ value = typeof value === 'function' ? value() : value; arr.push('') }); return arr.join(''); }()); } }; //异常提示 Class.prototype.msg = function(content){ alert(content); }; //判断绑定元素是否为文件域本身 Class.prototype.isFile = function(){ var elem = this.config.elem[0]; if(!elem) return; return elem.tagName.toLocaleLowerCase() === 'input' && elem.type === 'file' } //预读图片信息 Class.prototype.preview = function(callback){ var that = this; if(window.FileReader){ $.each(that.chooseFiles, function(index, file){ var reader = new FileReader(); reader.readAsDataURL(file); reader.onload = function(){ callback && callback(index, file, this.result); } }); } }; //执行上传 Class.prototype.upload = function(files, type){ var that = this ,options = that.config ,elemFile = that.elemFile[0] //高级浏览器处理方式,支持跨域 ,ajaxSend = function(){ var successful = 0, aborted = 0 ,items = files || that.files || that.chooseFiles || elemFile.files ,allDone = function(){ //多文件全部上传完毕的回调 if(options.multiple && successful + aborted === that.fileLength){ typeof options.allDone === 'function' && options.allDone({ total: that.fileLength ,successful: successful ,aborted: aborted }); } }; $.each(items, function(index, file){ var formData = new FormData(); formData.append(options.field, file); //追加额外的参数 $.each(, function(key, value){ value = typeof value === 'function' ? value() : value; formData.append(key, value); }); //提交文件 var opts = { url: options.url ,type: 'post' //统一采用 post 上传 ,data: formData ,contentType: false ,processData: false ,dataType: 'json' ,headers: options.headers || {} //成功回调 ,success: function(res){ successful++; done(index, res); allDone(); } //异常回调 ,error: function(){ aborted++; that.msg('请求上传接口出现异常'); error(index); allDone(); } }; //监听进度条 if(typeof options.progress === 'function'){ opts.xhr = function(){ var xhr = $.ajaxSettings.xhr(); //监听上传进度 xhr.upload.addEventListener("progress", function (e) { if(e.lengthComputable) { var percent = Math.floor((e.loaded/* 100); //百分比 options.progress(percent, options.item[0], e); } }); return xhr; } } $.ajax(opts); }); } //低版本IE处理方式,不支持跨域 ,iframeSend = function(){ var iframe = $('#'+ ELEM_IFRAME); that.elemFile.parent().submit(); //获取响应信息 clearInterval(Class.timer); Class.timer = setInterval(function() { var res, iframeBody = iframe.contents().find('body'); try { res = iframeBody.text(); } catch(e) { that.msg('获取上传后的响应信息出现异常'); clearInterval(Class.timer); error(); } if(res){ clearInterval(Class.timer); iframeBody.html(''); done(0, res); } }, 30); } //统一回调 ,done = function(index, res){'.'+ ELEM_CHOOSE).remove(); elemFile.value = ''; if(typeof res !== 'object'){ try { res = JSON.parse(res); } catch(e){ res = {}; return that.msg('请对上传接口返回有效JSON'); } } typeof options.done === 'function' && options.done(res, index || 0, function(files){ that.upload(files); }); } //统一网络异常回调 ,error = function(index){ if({ elemFile.value = ''; } typeof options.error === 'function' && options.error(index || 0, function(files){ that.upload(files); }); } ,exts = options.exts ,check ,value = function(){ var arr = []; $.each(files || that.chooseFiles, function(i, item){ arr.push(; }); return arr; }() //回调返回的参数 ,args = { //预览 preview: function(callback){ that.preview(callback); } //上传 ,upload: function(index, file){ var thisFile = {}; thisFile[index] = file; that.upload(thisFile); } //追加文件到队列 ,pushFile: function(){ that.files = that.files || {}; $.each(that.chooseFiles, function(index, item){ that.files[index] = item; }); return that.files; } //重置文件 ,resetFile: function(index, file, filename){ var newFile = new File([file], filename); that.files = that.files || {}; that.files[index] = newFile; } } //提交上传 ,send = function(){ //选择文件的回调 if(type === 'choose' ||{ options.choose && options.choose(args); if(type === 'choose'){ return; } } //上传前的回调 options.before && options.before(args); //IE兼容处理 if({ return > 9 ? ajaxSend() : iframeSend(); } ajaxSend(); } //校验文件格式 value = value.length === 0 ? ((elemFile.value.match(/[^\/\\]+\..+/g)||[]) || '') : value; if(value.length === 0) return; switch(options.accept){ case 'file': //一般文件 if(exts && !RegExp('\\w\\.('+ exts +')$', 'i').test(escape(value))){ that.msg('选择的文件中包含不支持的格式'); return elemFile.value = ''; } break; case 'video': //视频文件 if(!RegExp('\\w\\.('+ (exts || 'avi|mp4|wma|rmvb|rm|flash|3gp|flv') +')$', 'i').test(escape(value))){ that.msg('选择的视频中包含不支持的格式'); return elemFile.value = ''; } break; case 'audio': //音频文件 if(!RegExp('\\w\\.('+ (exts || 'mp3|wav|mid') +')$', 'i').test(escape(value))){ that.msg('选择的音频中包含不支持的格式'); return elemFile.value = ''; } break; default: //图片文件 $.each(value, function(i, item){ if(!RegExp('\\w\\.('+ (exts || 'jpg|png|gif|bmp|jpeg$') +')', 'i').test(escape(item))){ check = true; } }); if(check){ that.msg('选择的图片中包含不支持的格式'); return elemFile.value = ''; } break; } //检验文件数量 that.fileLength = function(){ var length = 0 ,items = files || that.files || that.chooseFiles || elemFile.files; $.each(items, function(){ length++; }); return length; }(); if(options.number && that.fileLength > options.number){ return that.msg('同时最多只能上传的数量为:'+ options.number); } //检验文件大小 if(options.size > 0 && !( && < 10)){ var limitSize; $.each(that.chooseFiles, function(index, file){ if(file.size > 1024*options.size){ var size = options.size/1024; size = size >= 1 ? (size.toFixed(2) + 'MB') : options.size + 'KB' elemFile.value = ''; limitSize = size; } }); if(limitSize) return that.msg('文件不能超过'+ limitSize); } send(); }; //重置方法 Class.prototype.reload = function(options){ options = options || {}; delete options.elem; delete options.bindAction; var that = this ,options = that.config = $.extend({}, that.config, upload.config, options) ,next =; //更新文件域相关属性 next.attr({ name: ,accept: options.acceptMime ,multiple: options.multiple }); }; //事件处理 = function(){ var that = this ,options = that.config //设置当前选择的文件队列 ,setChooseFile = function(files){ that.chooseFiles = {}; $.each(files, function(i, item){ var time = new Date().getTime(); that.chooseFiles[time + '-' + i] = item; }); } //设置选择的文本 ,setChooseText = function(files, filename){ var elemFile = that.elemFile ,value = files.length > 1 ? files.length + '个文件' : ((files[0] || {}).name || (elemFile[0].value.match(/[^\/\\]+\..+/g)||[]) || ''); if({; } that.upload(null, 'choose'); if(that.isFile() || options.choose) return; elemFile.after(''+ value +''); }; //点击上传容器'upload.start').on('upload.start', function(){ var othis = $(this), data = othis.attr('lay-data'); if(data){ try{ data = new Function('return '+ data)(); that.config = $.extend({}, options, data); } catch(e){ hint.error('Upload element property lay-data configuration item has a syntax error: ' + data) } } that.config.item = othis; that.elemFile[0].click(); }); //拖拽上传 if(!( && < 10)){'upload.over').on('upload.over', function(){ var othis = $(this) othis.attr('lay-over', ''); }) .off('upload.leave').on('upload.leave', function(){ var othis = $(this) othis.removeAttr('lay-over'); }) .off('upload.drop').on('upload.drop', function(e, param){ var othis = $(this), files = param.originalEvent.dataTransfer.files || []; othis.removeAttr('lay-over'); setChooseFile(files); if({ that.upload(files); } else { setChooseText(files); } }); } //文件选择'upload.change').on('upload.change', function(){ var files = this.files || []; setChooseFile(files); ? that.upload() : setChooseText(files); //是否自动触发上传 }); //手动触发上传'upload.action').on('upload.action', function(){ that.upload(); }); //防止事件重复绑定 if('haveEvents')) return; that.elemFile.on('change', function(){ $(this).trigger('upload.change'); }); options.elem.on('click', function(){ if(that.isFile()) return; $(this).trigger('upload.start'); }); if(options.drag){ options.elem.on('dragover', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).trigger('upload.over'); }).on('dragleave', function(e){ $(this).trigger('upload.leave'); }).on('drop', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).trigger('upload.drop', e); }); } options.bindAction.on('click', function(){ $(this).trigger('upload.action'); });'haveEvents', true); }; //核心入口 upload.render = function(options){ var inst = new Class(options); return; };