// Database.js 'use client' import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; import useSWRInfinite from 'swr/infinite'; import { debounce } from 'lodash-es'; import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'; import NewDatabaseCard from './NewDatabaseCard'; import DatasetCard from './DatabaseCard'; // 确保正确导入 DatasetCard 组件 import type { DataSetListResponse } from '@/models/datasets'; import { fetchDatasets } from '@/service/datasets'; import { useAppContext } from '@/context/app-context'; import { RiStackLine } from '@remixicon/react'; import { link } from 'fs'; const getKey = ( pageIndex: number, previousPageData: DataSetListResponse, tags: string[], keyword: string, ) => { if (!pageIndex || previousPageData.has_more) { const params: any = { url: 'datasets', params: { page: pageIndex + 1, limit: 30, }, }; if (tags.length) params.params.tag_ids = tags; if (keyword) params.params.keyword = keyword; return params; } return null; }; type Props = { containerRef: React.RefObject, tags: string[], keywords: string, }; // 创建虚拟数据集 const mockDatasets = [ { id: 'mock-1', name: '种植数据库', description: '', tags: [{ id: '1', name: '' }], provider: 'internal', embedding_available: true, document_count: 500, word_count: 100000, app_count: 3, }, { id: 'mock-2', name: '病害数据库', description: '', tags: [{ id: '3', name: '' }], provider: 'internal', embedding_available: true, document_count: 300, word_count: 75000, app_count: 2, }, { id: 'mock-3', name: '产量数据库', description: '', tags: [{ id: '5', name: '' }], provider: 'internal', embedding_available: true, document_count: 400, word_count: 90000, app_count: 4, }, ]; const Database = ({ containerRef, tags, keywords, }: Props) => { const { isCurrentWorkspaceEditor } = useAppContext(); const { data, isLoading, setSize, mutate } = useSWRInfinite( (pageIndex: number, previousPageData: DataSetListResponse) => getKey(pageIndex, previousPageData, tags, keywords), fetchDatasets, { revalidateFirstPage: false, revalidateAll: true }, ); const loadingStateRef = useRef(false); const anchorRef = useRef(null); const { t } = useTranslation(); useEffect(() => { loadingStateRef.current = isLoading; document.title = `${t('dataset.knowledge')} - Dify`; }, [isLoading]); useEffect(() => { const onScroll = debounce(() => { if (!loadingStateRef.current) { const { scrollTop, clientHeight } = containerRef.current!; const anchorOffset = anchorRef.current!.offsetTop; if (anchorOffset - scrollTop - clientHeight < 100) setSize(size => size + 1); } }, 50); containerRef.current?.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll); return () => containerRef.current?.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll); }, []); // Flatten the datasets array and concatenate with mock data if no real data is available yet. const allDatasets = data ? data.flatMap(({ data: datasets }) => datasets) : []; const displayedDatasets = mockDatasets.length > 0 ? mockDatasets : mockDatasets; return ( ); }; export default Database;