import { CodeGroup } from '../code.tsx'
import { Row, Col, Properties, Property, Heading, SubProperty } from '../md.tsx'
# 对话型应用 API
对话应用支持会话持久化,可将之前的聊天记录作为上下进行回答,可适用于聊天/客服 AI 等。
### 基础 URL
### 鉴权
Service API 使用 `API-Key` 进行鉴权。
**强烈建议开发者把 `API-Key` 放在后端存储,而非分享或者放在客户端存储,以免 `API-Key` 泄露,导致财产损失。**
所有 API 请求都应在 **`Authorization`** HTTP Header 中包含您的 `API-Key`,如下所示:
Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}
### Request Body
允许传入 App 定义的各变量值。
inputs 参数包含了多组键值对(Key/Value pairs),每组的键对应一个特定变量,每组的值则是该变量的具体值。
默认 `{}`
- `streaming` 流式模式(推荐)。基于 SSE(**[Server-Sent Events](**)实现类似打字机输出方式的流式返回。
- `blocking` 阻塞模式,等待执行完毕后返回结果。(请求若流程较长可能会被中断)。
由于 Cloudflare 限制,请求会在 100 秒超时无返回后中断。
(选填)会话 ID,需要基于之前的聊天记录继续对话,必须传之前消息的 conversation_id。
- `type` (string) 支持类型:图片 `image`(目前仅支持图片格式) 。
- `transfer_method` (string) 传递方式:
- `remote_url`: 图片地址。
- `local_file`: 上传文件。
- `url` 图片地址。(仅当传递方式为 `remote_url` 时)。
- `upload_file_id` 上传文件 ID。(仅当传递方式为 `local_file `时)。
(选填)自动生成标题,默认 `true`。 若设置为 `false`,则可通过调用会话重命名接口并设置 `auto_generate` 为 `true` 实现异步生成标题。
### Response
当 `response_mode` 为 `blocking` 时,返回 ChatCompletionResponse object。
当 `response_mode` 为 `streaming`时,返回 ChunkChatCompletionResponse object 流式序列。
### ChatCompletionResponse
返回完整的 App 结果,`Content-Type` 为 `application/json`。
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话 ID
- `mode` (string) App 模式,固定为 chat
- `answer` (string) 完整回复内容
- `metadata` (object) 元数据
- `usage` (Usage) 模型用量信息
- `retriever_resources` (array[RetrieverResource]) 引用和归属分段列表
- `created_at` (int) 消息创建时间戳,如:1705395332
### ChunkChatCompletionResponse
返回 App 输出的流式块,`Content-Type` 为 `text/event-stream`。
每个流式块均为 data: 开头,块之间以 \n\n 即两个换行符分隔,如下所示:
```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
data: {"event": "message", "task_id": "900bbd43-dc0b-4383-a372-aa6e6c414227", "id": "663c5084-a254-4040-8ad3-51f2a3c1a77c", "answer": "Hi", "created_at": 1705398420}\n\n
流式块中根据 event 不同,结构也不同:
- `event: message` LLM 返回文本块事件,即:完整的文本以分块的方式输出。
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话 ID
- `answer` (string) LLM 返回文本块内容
- `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `event: agent_message` Agent模式下返回文本块事件,即:在Agent模式下,文章的文本以分块的方式输出(仅Agent模式下使用)
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话 ID
- `answer` (string) LLM 返回文本块内容
- `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `event: agent_thought` Agent模式下有关Agent思考步骤的相关内容,涉及到工具调用(仅Agent模式下使用)
- `id` (string) agent_thought ID,每一轮Agent迭代都会有一个唯一的id
- `task_id` (string) 任务ID,用于请求跟踪下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一ID
- `position` (int) agent_thought在消息中的位置,如第一轮迭代position为1
- `thought` (string) agent的思考内容
- `observation` (string) 工具调用的返回结果
- `tool` (string) 使用的工具列表,以 ; 分割多个工具
- `tool_input` (string) 工具的输入,JSON格式的字符串(object)。如:`{"dalle3": {"prompt": "a cute cat"}}`
- `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `message_files` (array[string]) 当前 `agent_thought` 关联的文件ID
- `file_id` (string) 文件ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话ID
- `event: message_file` 文件事件,表示有新文件需要展示
- `id` (string) 文件唯一ID
- `type` (string) 文件类型,目前仅为image
- `belongs_to` (string) 文件归属,user或assistant,该接口返回仅为 `assistant`
- `url` (string) 文件访问地址
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话ID
- `event: message_end` 消息结束事件,收到此事件则代表流式返回结束。
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话 ID
- `metadata` (object) 元数据
- `usage` (Usage) 模型用量信息
- `retriever_resources` (array[RetrieverResource]) 引用和归属分段列表
- `event: tts_message` TTS 音频流事件,即:语音合成输出。内容是Mp3格式的音频块,使用 base64 编码后的字符串,播放的时候直接解码即可。(开启自动播放才有此消息)
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `audio` (string) 语音合成之后的音频块使用 Base64 编码之后的文本内容,播放的时候直接 base64 解码送入播放器即可
- `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `event: tts_message_end` TTS 音频流结束事件,收到这个事件表示音频流返回结束。
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `audio` (string) 结束事件是没有音频的,所以这里是空字符串
- `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `event: message_replace` 消息内容替换事件。
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话 ID
- `answer` (string) 替换内容(直接替换 LLM 所有回复文本)
- `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `event: error`
流式输出过程中出现的异常会以 stream event 形式输出,收到异常事件后即结束。
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,用于请求跟踪和下方的停止响应接口
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一 ID
- `status` (int) HTTP 状态码
- `code` (string) 错误码
- `message` (string) 错误消息
- `event: ping` 每 10s 一次的 ping 事件,保持连接存活。
### Errors
- 404,对话不存在
- 400,`invalid_param`,传入参数异常
- 400,`app_unavailable`,App 配置不可用
- 400,`provider_not_initialize`,无可用模型凭据配置
- 400,`provider_quota_exceeded`,模型调用额度不足
- 400,`model_currently_not_support`,当前模型不可用
- 400,`completion_request_error`,文本生成失败
- 500,服务内部异常
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/chat-messages' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"inputs": {
"name": "dify"
"query": "What are the specs of the iPhone 13 Pro Max?",
"conversation_id": "101b4c97-fc2e-463c-90b1-5261a4cdcafb",
"response_mode": "streaming",
"user": "abc-123",
"files": [
"type": "image",
"transfer_method": "remote_url",
"url": ""
### 阻塞模式
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"event": "message",
"message_id": "9da23599-e713-473b-982c-4328d4f5c78a",
"conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2",
"mode": "chat",
"answer": "iPhone 13 Pro Max specs are listed here:...",
"metadata": {
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 1033,
"prompt_unit_price": "0.001",
"prompt_price_unit": "0.001",
"prompt_price": "0.0010330",
"completion_tokens": 128,
"completion_unit_price": "0.002",
"completion_price_unit": "0.001",
"completion_price": "0.0002560",
"total_tokens": 1161,
"total_price": "0.0012890",
"currency": "USD",
"latency": 0.7682376249867957
"retriever_resources": [
"position": 1,
"dataset_id": "101b4c97-fc2e-463c-90b1-5261a4cdcafb",
"dataset_name": "iPhone",
"document_id": "8dd1ad74-0b5f-4175-b735-7d98bbbb4e00",
"document_name": "iPhone List",
"segment_id": "ed599c7f-2766-4294-9d1d-e5235a61270a",
"score": 0.98457545,
"content": "\"Model\",\"Release Date\",\"Display Size\",\"Resolution\",\"Processor\",\"RAM\",\"Storage\",\"Camera\",\"Battery\",\"Operating System\"\n\"iPhone 13 Pro Max\",\"September 24, 2021\",\"6.7 inch\",\"1284 x 2778\",\"Hexa-core (2x3.23 GHz Avalanche + 4x1.82 GHz Blizzard)\",\"6 GB\",\"128, 256, 512 GB, 1TB\",\"12 MP\",\"4352 mAh\",\"iOS 15\""
"created_at": 1705407629
### 流式模式(基础助手)
```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "answer": " I", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "answer": "'m", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "answer": " glad", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "answer": " to", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": : "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "answer": " meet", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message", "message_id": : "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "answer": " you", "created_at": 1679586595}
data: {"event": "message_end", "id": "5e52ce04-874b-4d27-9045-b3bc80def685", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "metadata": {"usage": {"prompt_tokens": 1033, "prompt_unit_price": "0.001", "prompt_price_unit": "0.001", "prompt_price": "0.0010330", "completion_tokens": 135, "completion_unit_price": "0.002", "completion_price_unit": "0.001", "completion_price": "0.0002700", "total_tokens": 1168, "total_price": "0.0013030", "currency": "USD", "latency": 1.381760165997548}, "retriever_resources": [{"position": 1, "dataset_id": "101b4c97-fc2e-463c-90b1-5261a4cdcafb", "dataset_name": "iPhone", "document_id": "8dd1ad74-0b5f-4175-b735-7d98bbbb4e00", "document_name": "iPhone List", "segment_id": "ed599c7f-2766-4294-9d1d-e5235a61270a", "score": 0.98457545, "content": "\"Model\",\"Release Date\",\"Display Size\",\"Resolution\",\"Processor\",\"RAM\",\"Storage\",\"Camera\",\"Battery\",\"Operating System\"\n\"iPhone 13 Pro Max\",\"September 24, 2021\",\"6.7 inch\",\"1284 x 2778\",\"Hexa-core (2x3.23 GHz Avalanche + 4x1.82 GHz Blizzard)\",\"6 GB\",\"128, 256, 512 GB, 1TB\",\"12 MP\",\"4352 mAh\",\"iOS 15\""}]}}
data: {"event": "tts_message", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"}
data: {"event": "tts_message_end", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": ""}
### 流式模式(智能助手)
```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
data: {"event": "agent_thought", "id": "8dcf3648-fbad-407a-85dd-73a6f43aeb9f", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "position": 1, "thought": "", "observation": "", "tool": "", "tool_input": "", "created_at": 1705639511, "message_files": [], "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_thought", "id": "8dcf3648-fbad-407a-85dd-73a6f43aeb9f", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "position": 1, "thought": "", "observation": "", "tool": "dalle3", "tool_input": "{\"dalle3\": {\"prompt\": \"cute Japanese anime girl with white hair, blue eyes, bunny girl suit\"}}", "created_at": 1705639511, "message_files": [], "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "message_file", "id": "d75b7a5c-ce5e-442e-ab1b-d6a5e5b557b0", "type": "image", "belongs_to": "assistant", "url": "", "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_thought", "id": "8dcf3648-fbad-407a-85dd-73a6f43aeb9f", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "position": 1, "thought": "", "observation": "image has been created and sent to user already, you should tell user to check it now.", "tool": "dalle3", "tool_input": "{\"dalle3\": {\"prompt\": \"cute Japanese anime girl with white hair, blue eyes, bunny girl suit\"}}", "created_at": 1705639511, "message_files": ["d75b7a5c-ce5e-442e-ab1b-d6a5e5b557b0"], "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_thought", "id": "67a99dc1-4f82-42d3-b354-18d4594840c8", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "position": 2, "thought": "", "observation": "", "tool": "", "tool_input": "", "created_at": 1705639511, "message_files": [], "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_message", "id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "answer": "I have created an image of a cute Japanese", "created_at": 1705639511, "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_message", "id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "answer": " anime girl with white hair and blue", "created_at": 1705639511, "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_message", "id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "answer": " eyes wearing a bunny girl" ,"created_at": 1705639511, "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_message", "id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "answer": " suit .", "created_at": 1705639511, "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "agent_thought", "id": "67a99dc1-4f82-42d3-b354-18d4594840c8", "task_id": "9cf1ddd7-f94b-459b-b942-b77b26c59e9b", "message_id": "1fb10045-55fd-4040-99e6-d048d07cbad3", "position": 2, "thought": "I have created an image of a cute Japanese anime girl with white hair and blue eyes wearing a bunny girl suit.", "observation": "", "tool": "", "tool_input": "", "created_at": 1705639511, "message_files": [], "conversation_id": "c216c595-2d89-438c-b33c-aae5ddddd142"}
data: {"event": "message_end", "id": "5e52ce04-874b-4d27-9045-b3bc80def685", "conversation_id": "45701982-8118-4bc5-8e9b-64562b4555f2", "metadata": {"usage": {"prompt_tokens": 1033, "prompt_unit_price": "0.001", "prompt_price_unit": "0.001", "prompt_price": "0.0010330", "completion_tokens": 135, "completion_unit_price": "0.002", "completion_price_unit": "0.001", "completion_price": "0.0002700", "total_tokens": 1168, "total_price": "0.0013030", "currency": "USD", "latency": 1.381760165997548}, "retriever_resources": [{"position": 1, "dataset_id": "101b4c97-fc2e-463c-90b1-5261a4cdcafb", "dataset_name": "iPhone", "document_id": "8dd1ad74-0b5f-4175-b735-7d98bbbb4e00", "document_name": "iPhone List", "segment_id": "ed599c7f-2766-4294-9d1d-e5235a61270a", "score": 0.98457545, "content": "\"Model\",\"Release Date\",\"Display Size\",\"Resolution\",\"Processor\",\"RAM\",\"Storage\",\"Camera\",\"Battery\",\"Operating System\"\n\"iPhone 13 Pro Max\",\"September 24, 2021\",\"6.7 inch\",\"1284 x 2778\",\"Hexa-core (2x3.23 GHz Avalanche + 4x1.82 GHz Blizzard)\",\"6 GB\",\"128, 256, 512 GB, 1TB\",\"12 MP\",\"4352 mAh\",\"iOS 15\""}]}}
data: {"event": "tts_message", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"}
data: {"event": "tts_message_end", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": ""}
支持 png, jpg, jpeg, webp, gif 格式。
### Request Body
该接口需使用 `multipart/form-data` 进行请求。
用户标识,用于定义终端用户的身份,必须和发送消息接口传入 user 保持一致。
### Response
成功上传后,服务器会返回文件的 ID 和相关信息。
- `id` (uuid) ID
- `name` (string) 文件名
- `size` (int) 文件大小(byte)
- `extension` (string) 文件后缀
- `mime_type` (string) 文件 mime-type
- `created_by` (uuid) 上传人 ID
- `created_at` (timestamp) 上传时间
### Errors
- 400,`no_file_uploaded`,必须提供文件
- 400,`too_many_files`,目前只接受一个文件
- 400,`unsupported_preview`,该文件不支持预览
- 400,`unsupported_estimate`,该文件不支持估算
- 413,`file_too_large`,文件太大
- 415,`unsupported_file_type`,不支持的扩展名,当前只接受文档类文件
- 503,`s3_connection_failed`,无法连接到 S3 服务
- 503,`s3_permission_denied`,无权限上传文件到 S3
- 503,`s3_file_too_large`,文件超出 S3 大小限制
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/files/upload' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--form 'file=@"/path/to/file"'
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"id": "72fa9618-8f89-4a37-9b33-7e1178a24a67",
"name": "example.png",
"size": 1024,
"extension": "png",
"mime_type": "image/png",
"created_by": 123,
"created_at": 1577836800,
### Path
- `task_id` (string) 任务 ID,可在流式返回 Chunk 中获取
### Request Body
- `user` (string) Required
用户标识,用于定义终端用户的身份,必须和发送消息接口传入 user 保持一致。
### Response
- `result` (string) 固定返回 success
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/chat-messages/:task_id/stop' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"user": "abc-123"
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"result": "success"
### Path Params
消息 ID
### Request Body
点赞 like, 点踩 dislike, 撤销点赞 null
### Response
- `result` (string) 固定返回 success
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/messages/:message_id/feedbacks' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"rating": "like",
"user": "abc-123"
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"result": "success"
### Path Params
Message ID
### Query
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl --location --request GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/messages/{message_id}/suggested' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ENTER-YOUR-SECRET-KEY' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"result": "success",
"data": [
滚动加载形式返回历史聊天记录,第一页返回最新 `limit` 条,即:倒序返回。
### Query
会话 ID
当前页第一条聊天记录的 ID,默认 null
一次请求返回多少条聊天记录,默认 20 条。
### Response
- `data` (array[object]) 消息列表
- `id` (string) 消息 ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话 ID
- `inputs` (array[object]) 用户输入参数。
- `query` (string) 用户输入 / 提问内容。
- `message_files` (array[object]) 消息文件
- `id` (string) ID
- `type` (string) 文件类型,image 图片
- `url` (string) 预览图片地址
- `belongs_to` (string) 文件归属方,user 或 assistant
- `agent_thoughts` (array[object]) Agent思考内容(仅Agent模式下不为空)
- `id` (string) agent_thought ID,每一轮Agent迭代都会有一个唯一的id
- `message_id` (string) 消息唯一ID
- `position` (int) agent_thought在消息中的位置,如第一轮迭代position为1
- `thought` (string) agent的思考内容
- `observation` (string) 工具调用的返回结果
- `tool` (string) 使用的工具列表,以 ; 分割多个工具
- `tool_input` (string) 工具的输入,JSON格式的字符串(object)。如:`{"dalle3": {"prompt": "a cute cat"}}`
- `created_at` (int) 创建时间戳,如:1705395332
- `message_files` (array[string]) 当前agent_thought 关联的文件ID
- `file_id` (string) 文件ID
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话ID
- `answer` (string) 回答消息内容
- `created_at` (timestamp) 创建时间
- `feedback` (object) 反馈信息
- `rating` (string) 点赞 like / 点踩 dislike
- `retriever_resources` (array[RetrieverResource]) 引用和归属分段列表
- `has_more` (bool) 是否存在下一页
- `limit` (int) 返回条数,若传入超过系统限制,返回系统限制数量
### Request Example
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/messages?user=abc-123&conversation_id='
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
### Response Example(基础助手)
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"limit": 20,
"has_more": false,
"data": [
"id": "a076a87f-31e5-48dc-b452-0061adbbc922",
"conversation_id": "cd78daf6-f9e4-4463-9ff2-54257230a0ce",
"inputs": {
"name": "dify"
"query": "iphone 13 pro",
"answer": "The iPhone 13 Pro, released on September 24, 2021, features a 6.1-inch display with a resolution of 1170 x 2532. It is equipped with a Hexa-core (2x3.23 GHz Avalanche + 4x1.82 GHz Blizzard) processor, 6 GB of RAM, and offers storage options of 128 GB, 256 GB, 512 GB, and 1 TB. The camera is 12 MP, the battery capacity is 3095 mAh, and it runs on iOS 15.",
"message_files": [],
"feedback": null,
"retriever_resources": [
"position": 1,
"dataset_id": "101b4c97-fc2e-463c-90b1-5261a4cdcafb",
"dataset_name": "iPhone",
"document_id": "8dd1ad74-0b5f-4175-b735-7d98bbbb4e00",
"document_name": "iPhone List",
"segment_id": "ed599c7f-2766-4294-9d1d-e5235a61270a",
"score": 0.98457545,
"content": "\"Model\",\"Release Date\",\"Display Size\",\"Resolution\",\"Processor\",\"RAM\",\"Storage\",\"Camera\",\"Battery\",\"Operating System\"\n\"iPhone 13 Pro Max\",\"September 24, 2021\",\"6.7 inch\",\"1284 x 2778\",\"Hexa-core (2x3.23 GHz Avalanche + 4x1.82 GHz Blizzard)\",\"6 GB\",\"128, 256, 512 GB, 1TB\",\"12 MP\",\"4352 mAh\",\"iOS 15\""
"agent_thoughts": [],
"created_at": 1705569239
### Response Example(智能助手)
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"limit": 20,
"has_more": false,
"data": [
"id": "d35e006c-7c4d-458f-9142-be4930abdf94",
"conversation_id": "957c068b-f258-4f89-ba10-6e8a0361c457",
"inputs": {},
"query": "draw a cat",
"answer": "I have generated an image of a cat for you. Please check your messages to view the image.",
"message_files": [
"id": "976990d2-5294-47e6-8f14-7356ba9d2d76",
"type": "image",
"url": "",
"belongs_to": "assistant"
"feedback": null,
"retriever_resources": [],
"created_at": 1705988187,
"agent_thoughts": [
"id": "592c84cf-07ee-441c-9dcc-ffc66c033469",
"chain_id": null,
"message_id": "d35e006c-7c4d-458f-9142-be4930abdf94",
"position": 1,
"thought": "",
"tool": "dalle2",
"tool_input": "{\"dalle2\": {\"prompt\": \"cat\"}}",
"created_at": 1705988186,
"observation": "image has been created and sent to user already, you should tell user to check it now.",
"message_files": [
"id": "73ead60d-2370-4780-b5ed-532d2762b0e5",
"chain_id": null,
"message_id": "d35e006c-7c4d-458f-9142-be4930abdf94",
"position": 2,
"thought": "I have generated an image of a cat for you. Please check your messages to view the image.",
"tool": "",
"tool_input": "",
"created_at": 1705988199,
"observation": "",
"message_files": []
获取当前用户的会话列表,默认返回最近的 20 条。
### Query
当前页最后面一条记录的 ID,默认 null
只返回置顶 true,只返回非置顶 false
### Response
- `data` (array[object]) 会话列表
- `id` (string) 会话 ID
- `name` (string) 会话名称,默认为会话中用户最开始问题的截取。
- `inputs` (array[object]) 用户输入参数。
- `introduction` (string) 开场白
- `created_at` (timestamp) 创建时间
- `has_more` (bool)
- `limit` (int) 返回条数,若传入超过系统限制,返回系统限制数量
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/conversations?user=abc-123&last_id=&limit=20' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"limit": 20,
"has_more": false,
"data": [
"id": "10799fb8-64f7-4296-bbf7-b42bfbe0ae54",
"name": "New chat",
"inputs": {
"book": "book",
"myName": "Lucy"
"status": "normal",
"created_at": 1679667915
"id": "hSIhXBhNe8X1d8Et"
// ...
### Path
- `conversation_id` (string) 会话 ID
### Request Body
### Response
- `result` (string) 固定返回 success
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X DELETE '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/conversations/{conversation_id}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--data '{
"user": "abc-123"
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"result": "success"
### Request Body
名称,若 `auto_generate` 为 `true` 时,该参数可不传。
自动生成标题,默认 false。
### Response
- `id` (string) 会话 ID
- `name` (string) 会话名称
- `inputs` array[object] 用户输入参数。
- `introduction` (string) 开场白
- `created_at` (timestamp) 创建时间
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/conversations/:conversation_id/name' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"name": "",
"user": "abc-123"
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"result": "success"
### Request Body
该接口需使用 `multipart/form-data` 进行请求。
支持格式:`['mp3', 'mp4', 'mpeg', 'mpga', 'm4a', 'wav', 'webm']`
### Response
- `text` (string) 输出文字
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/conversations/name' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
--form 'file=@localfile;type=audio/mp3'
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"text": "hello"
### Request Body
Dify 生成的文本消息,那么直接传递生成的message-id 即可,后台会通过 message_id 查找相应的内容直接合成语音信息。如果同时传 message_id 和 text,优先使用 message_id。
语音生成内容。如果没有传 message-id的话,则会使用这个字段的内容
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl --location --request POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/text-to-audio' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer ENTER-YOUR-SECRET-KEY' \
--form 'file=你好Dify;user=abc-123;message_id=5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290'
```json {{ title: 'headers' }}
"Content-Type": "audio/wav"
### Query
### Response
- `opening_statement` (string) 开场白
- `suggested_questions` (array[string]) 开场推荐问题列表
- `suggested_questions_after_answer` (object) 启用回答后给出推荐问题。
- `enabled` (bool) 是否开启
- `speech_to_text` (object) 语音转文本
- `enabled` (bool) 是否开启
- `retriever_resource` (object) 引用和归属
- `enabled` (bool) 是否开启
- `annotation_reply` (object) 标记回复
- `enabled` (bool) 是否开启
- `user_input_form` (array[object]) 用户输入表单配置
- `text-input` (object) 文本输入控件
- `label` (string) 控件展示标签名
- `variable` (string) 控件 ID
- `required` (bool) 是否必填
- `default` (string) 默认值
- `paragraph` (object) 段落文本输入控件
- `label` (string) 控件展示标签名
- `variable` (string) 控件 ID
- `required` (bool) 是否必填
- `default` (string) 默认值
- `select` (object) 下拉控件
- `label` (string) 控件展示标签名
- `variable` (string) 控件 ID
- `required` (bool) 是否必填
- `default` (string) 默认值
- `options` (array[string]) 选项值
- `file_upload` (object) 文件上传配置
- `image` (object) 图片设置
当前仅支持图片类型:`png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`, `webp`, `gif`
- `enabled` (bool) 是否开启
- `number_limits` (int) 图片数量限制,默认 3
- `transfer_methods` (array[string]) 传递方式列表,remote_url , local_file,必选一个
- `system_parameters` (object) 系统参数
- `file_size_limit` (int) 文档上传大小限制 (MB)
- `image_file_size_limit` (int) 图片文件上传大小限制(MB)
- `audio_file_size_limit` (int) 音频文件上传大小限制 (MB)
- `video_file_size_limit` (int) 视频文件上传大小限制 (MB)
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/parameters?user=abc-123' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"introduction": "nice to meet you",
"user_input_form": [
"text-input": {
"label": "a",
"variable": "a",
"required": true,
"max_length": 48,
"default": ""
// ...
"file_upload": {
"image": {
"enabled": true,
"number_limits": 3,
"transfer_methods": [
"system_parameters": {
"file_size_limit": 15,
"image_file_size_limit": 10,
"audio_file_size_limit": 50,
"video_file_size_limit": 100
### Query
### Response
- `tool_icons`(object[string]) 工具图标
- `工具名称` (string)
- `icon` (object|string)
- (object) 图标
- `background` (string) hex格式的背景色
- `content`(string) emoji
- (string) 图标URL
```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/meta?user=abc-123' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
"tool_icons": {
"dalle2": "",
"api_tool": {
"background": "#252525",
"content": "\ud83d\ude01"