import { Fragment, memo, useCallback, useState, } from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import { flip, offset, shift, useFloating, } from '@floating-ui/react' import type { TextNode } from 'lexical' import type { MenuRenderFn } from '@lexical/react/LexicalTypeaheadMenuPlugin' import { useLexicalComposerContext } from '@lexical/react/LexicalComposerContext' import { LexicalTypeaheadMenuPlugin } from '@lexical/react/LexicalTypeaheadMenuPlugin' import type { ContextBlockType, ExternalToolBlockType, HistoryBlockType, QueryBlockType, VariableBlockType, WorkflowVariableBlockType, } from '../../types' import { useBasicTypeaheadTriggerMatch } from '../../hooks' import { INSERT_WORKFLOW_VARIABLE_BLOCK_COMMAND } from '../workflow-variable-block' import { INSERT_VARIABLE_VALUE_BLOCK_COMMAND } from '../variable-block' import { $splitNodeContainingQuery } from '../../utils' import { useOptions } from './hooks' import type { PickerBlockMenuOption } from './menu' import VarReferenceVars from '@/app/components/workflow/nodes/_base/components/variable/var-reference-vars' import { useEventEmitterContextContext } from '@/context/event-emitter' type ComponentPickerProps = { triggerString: string contextBlock?: ContextBlockType queryBlock?: QueryBlockType historyBlock?: HistoryBlockType variableBlock?: VariableBlockType externalToolBlock?: ExternalToolBlockType workflowVariableBlock?: WorkflowVariableBlockType isSupportFileVar?: boolean } const ComponentPicker = ({ triggerString, contextBlock, queryBlock, historyBlock, variableBlock, externalToolBlock, workflowVariableBlock, isSupportFileVar, }: ComponentPickerProps) => { const { eventEmitter } = useEventEmitterContextContext() const { refs, floatingStyles, isPositioned } = useFloating({ placement: 'bottom-start', middleware: [ offset(0), // fix hide cursor shift({ padding: 8, }), flip(), ], }) const [editor] = useLexicalComposerContext() const checkForTriggerMatch = useBasicTypeaheadTriggerMatch(triggerString, { minLength: 0, maxLength: 0, }) const [queryString, setQueryString] = useState(null) eventEmitter?.useSubscription((v: any) => { if (v.type === INSERT_VARIABLE_VALUE_BLOCK_COMMAND) editor.dispatchCommand(INSERT_VARIABLE_VALUE_BLOCK_COMMAND, `{{${v.payload}}}`) }) const { allFlattenOptions, workflowVariableOptions, } = useOptions( contextBlock, queryBlock, historyBlock, variableBlock, externalToolBlock, workflowVariableBlock, ) const onSelectOption = useCallback( ( selectedOption: PickerBlockMenuOption, nodeToRemove: TextNode | null, closeMenu: () => void, ) => { editor.update(() => { if (nodeToRemove && selectedOption?.key) nodeToRemove.remove() selectedOption.onSelectMenuOption() closeMenu() }) }, [editor], ) const handleSelectWorkflowVariable = useCallback((variables: string[]) => { editor.update(() => { const needRemove = $splitNodeContainingQuery(checkForTriggerMatch(triggerString, editor)!) if (needRemove) needRemove.remove() }) if (variables[1] === 'sys.query' || variables[1] === 'sys.files') editor.dispatchCommand(INSERT_WORKFLOW_VARIABLE_BLOCK_COMMAND, [variables[1]]) else editor.dispatchCommand(INSERT_WORKFLOW_VARIABLE_BLOCK_COMMAND, variables) }, [editor, checkForTriggerMatch, triggerString]) const renderMenu = useCallback>(( anchorElementRef, { options, selectedIndex, selectOptionAndCleanUp, setHighlightedIndex }, ) => { if (!(anchorElementRef.current && (allFlattenOptions.length || workflowVariableBlock?.show))) return null refs.setReference(anchorElementRef.current) return ( <> { ReactDOM.createPortal( // The `LexicalMenu` will try to calculate the position of the floating menu based on the first child. // Since we use floating ui, we need to wrap it with a div to prevent the position calculation being affected. // See
{, index) => ( { // Divider index !== 0 && - 1)?.group !== && (
) } {option.renderMenuOption({ queryString, isSelected: selectedIndex === index, onSelect: () => { selectOptionAndCleanUp(option) }, onSetHighlight: () => { setHighlightedIndex(index) }, })}
)) } { workflowVariableBlock?.show && ( <> { (!!options.length) && (
) }
{ handleSelectWorkflowVariable(variables) }} maxHeightClass='max-h-[34vh]' isSupportFileVar={isSupportFileVar} />
) }
, anchorElementRef.current, ) } ) }, [allFlattenOptions.length, workflowVariableBlock?.show, refs, isPositioned, floatingStyles, queryString, workflowVariableOptions, handleSelectWorkflowVariable]) return ( ) } export default memo(ComponentPicker)