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lxy b1fe04a787 Merge branch 'master' of 3 semanas atrás
.husky 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
.storybook 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
.vscode 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
__mocks__ 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
app 25383c9bfc 1 3 semanas atrás
assets 6d9bcb1e42 1 4 semanas atrás
bin 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
config 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
context 6d9bcb1e42 1 4 semanas atrás
docker 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
hooks 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
i18n a7762219ff 1 4 semanas atrás
models 9177c99a88 1 1 mês atrás
public 6d9bcb1e42 1 4 semanas atrás
service 9177c99a88 1 1 mês atrás
themes a7762219ff 1 4 semanas atrás
types 9177c99a88 1 1 mês atrás
utils 9177c99a88 1 1 mês atrás
.dockerignore 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
.editorconfig 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
.env.example 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
.eslintignore 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
.eslintrc.json 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
.gitignore 9177c99a88 1 1 mês atrás
Dockerfile 9177c99a88 1 1 mês atrás 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
global.d.ts 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
jest.config.ts 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
middleware.ts 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
next.config.js 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
package.json 9177c99a88 1 1 mês atrás
postcss.config.js 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
tailwind.config.js 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
tsconfig.json 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
typography.js 2adf523749 1 2 meses atrás
yarn.lock 25383c9bfc 1 3 semanas atrás

Dify Frontend

This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.

Getting Started

Run by source code

To start the web frontend service, you will need Node.js v18.x (LTS) and NPM version 8.x.x or Yarn.

First, install the dependencies:

npm install
# or
yarn install --frozen-lockfile

Then, configure the environment variables. Create a file named .env.local in the current directory and copy the contents from .env.example. Modify the values of these environment variables according to your requirements:

cp .env.example .env.local
# For production release, change this to PRODUCTION
# The deployment edition, SELF_HOSTED
# The base URL of console application, refers to the Console base URL of WEB service if console domain is
# different from api or web app domain.
# example:
# The URL for Web APP, refers to the Web App base URL of WEB service if web app domain is different from
# console or api domain.
# example:


Finally, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

You can start editing the file under folder app. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.


Deploy on server

First, build the app for production:

npm run build

Then, start the server:

npm run start

If you want to customize the host and port:

npm run start --port=3001 --host=


This project uses Storybook for UI component development.

To start the storybook server, run:

yarn storybook

Open http://localhost:6006 with your browser to see the result.

Lint Code

If your IDE is VSCode, rename web/.vscode/settings.example.json to web/.vscode/settings.json for lint code setting.


We start to use Jest and React Testing Library for Unit Testing.

You can create a test file with a suffix of .spec beside the file that to be tested. For example, if you want to test a file named util.ts. The test file name should be util.spec.ts.

Run test:

npm run test

If you are not familiar with writing tests, here is some code to refer to:


Visit to view the full documentation.


The Dify community can be found on Discord community, where you can ask questions, voice ideas, and share your projects.