123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270 |
- 'use client'
- import type { FC } from 'react'
- import
- React,
- {
- useCallback,
- useState,
- } from 'react'
- import cn from 'classnames'
- import {
- RiArrowDownSLine,
- RiMenu4Line,
- } from '@remixicon/react'
- import { useTranslation } from 'react-i18next'
- import NodePanel from './node'
- import {
- BlockEnum,
- } from '@/app/components/workflow/types'
- import type { IterationDurationMap, NodeTracing } from '@/types/workflow'
- type TracingPanelProps = {
- list: NodeTracing[]
- onShowIterationDetail?: (detail: NodeTracing[][], iterDurationMap: IterationDurationMap) => void
- className?: string
- hideNodeInfo?: boolean
- hideNodeProcessDetail?: boolean
- }
- type TracingNodeProps = {
- id: string
- uniqueId: string
- isParallel: boolean
- data: NodeTracing | null
- children: TracingNodeProps[]
- parallelTitle?: string
- branchTitle?: string
- hideNodeInfo?: boolean
- hideNodeProcessDetail?: boolean
- }
- function buildLogTree(nodes: NodeTracing[], t: (key: string) => string): TracingNodeProps[] {
- const rootNodes: TracingNodeProps[] = []
- const parallelStacks: { [key: string]: TracingNodeProps } = {}
- const levelCounts: { [key: string]: number } = {}
- const parallelChildCounts: { [key: string]: Set<string> } = {}
- let uniqueIdCounter = 0
- const getUniqueId = () => {
- uniqueIdCounter++
- return `unique-${uniqueIdCounter}`
- }
- const getParallelTitle = (parentId: string | null): string => {
- const levelKey = parentId || 'root'
- if (!levelCounts[levelKey])
- levelCounts[levelKey] = 0
- levelCounts[levelKey]++
- const parentTitle = parentId ? parallelStacks[parentId]?.parallelTitle : ''
- const levelNumber = parentTitle ? parseInt(parentTitle.split('-')[1]) + 1 : 1
- const letter = parallelChildCounts[levelKey]?.size > 1 ? String.fromCharCode(64 + levelCounts[levelKey]) : ''
- return `${t('workflow.common.parallel')}-${levelNumber}${letter}`
- }
- const getBranchTitle = (parentId: string | null, branchNum: number): string => {
- const levelKey = parentId || 'root'
- const parentTitle = parentId ? parallelStacks[parentId]?.parallelTitle : ''
- const levelNumber = parentTitle ? parseInt(parentTitle.split('-')[1]) + 1 : 1
- const letter = parallelChildCounts[levelKey]?.size > 1 ? String.fromCharCode(64 + levelCounts[levelKey]) : ''
- const branchLetter = String.fromCharCode(64 + branchNum)
- return `${t('workflow.common.branch')}-${levelNumber}${letter}-${branchLetter}`
- }
- // Count parallel children (for figuring out if we need to use letters)
- for (const node of nodes) {
- const parent_parallel_id = node.parent_parallel_id ?? node.execution_metadata?.parent_parallel_id ?? null
- const parallel_id = node.parallel_id ?? node.execution_metadata?.parallel_id ?? null
- if (parallel_id) {
- const parentKey = parent_parallel_id || 'root'
- if (!parallelChildCounts[parentKey])
- parallelChildCounts[parentKey] = new Set()
- parallelChildCounts[parentKey].add(parallel_id)
- }
- }
- for (const node of nodes) {
- const parallel_id = node.parallel_id ?? node.execution_metadata?.parallel_id ?? null
- const parent_parallel_id = node.parent_parallel_id ?? node.execution_metadata?.parent_parallel_id ?? null
- const parallel_start_node_id = node.parallel_start_node_id ?? node.execution_metadata?.parallel_start_node_id ?? null
- const parent_parallel_start_node_id = node.parent_parallel_start_node_id ?? node.execution_metadata?.parent_parallel_start_node_id ?? null
- if (!parallel_id || node.node_type === BlockEnum.End) {
- rootNodes.push({
- id: node.id,
- uniqueId: getUniqueId(),
- isParallel: false,
- data: node,
- children: [],
- })
- }
- else {
- if (!parallelStacks[parallel_id]) {
- const newParallelGroup: TracingNodeProps = {
- id: parallel_id,
- uniqueId: getUniqueId(),
- isParallel: true,
- data: null,
- children: [],
- parallelTitle: '',
- }
- parallelStacks[parallel_id] = newParallelGroup
- if (parent_parallel_id && parallelStacks[parent_parallel_id]) {
- const sameBranchIndex = parallelStacks[parent_parallel_id].children.findLastIndex(c =>
- c.data?.execution_metadata?.parallel_start_node_id === parent_parallel_start_node_id || c.data?.parallel_start_node_id === parent_parallel_start_node_id,
- )
- parallelStacks[parent_parallel_id].children.splice(sameBranchIndex + 1, 0, newParallelGroup)
- newParallelGroup.parallelTitle = getParallelTitle(parent_parallel_id)
- }
- else {
- newParallelGroup.parallelTitle = getParallelTitle(parent_parallel_id)
- rootNodes.push(newParallelGroup)
- }
- }
- const branchTitle = parallel_start_node_id === node.node_id ? getBranchTitle(parent_parallel_id, parallelStacks[parallel_id].children.length + 1) : ''
- if (branchTitle) {
- parallelStacks[parallel_id].children.push({
- id: node.id,
- uniqueId: getUniqueId(),
- isParallel: false,
- data: node,
- children: [],
- branchTitle,
- })
- }
- else {
- let sameBranchIndex = parallelStacks[parallel_id].children.findLastIndex(c =>
- c.data?.execution_metadata?.parallel_start_node_id === parallel_start_node_id || c.data?.parallel_start_node_id === parallel_start_node_id,
- )
- if (parallelStacks[parallel_id].children[sameBranchIndex + 1]?.isParallel)
- sameBranchIndex++
- parallelStacks[parallel_id].children.splice(sameBranchIndex + 1, 0, {
- id: node.id,
- uniqueId: getUniqueId(),
- isParallel: false,
- data: node,
- children: [],
- branchTitle,
- })
- }
- }
- }
- return rootNodes
- }
- const TracingPanel: FC<TracingPanelProps> = ({
- list,
- onShowIterationDetail,
- className,
- hideNodeInfo = false,
- hideNodeProcessDetail = false,
- }) => {
- const { t } = useTranslation()
- const treeNodes = buildLogTree(list, t)
- const [collapsedNodes, setCollapsedNodes] = useState<Set<string>>(new Set())
- const [hoveredParallel, setHoveredParallel] = useState<string | null>(null)
- const toggleCollapse = (id: string) => {
- setCollapsedNodes((prev) => {
- const newSet = new Set(prev)
- if (newSet.has(id))
- newSet.delete(id)
- else
- newSet.add(id)
- return newSet
- })
- }
- const handleParallelMouseEnter = useCallback((id: string) => {
- setHoveredParallel(id)
- }, [])
- const handleParallelMouseLeave = useCallback((e: React.MouseEvent) => {
- const relatedTarget = e.relatedTarget as Element | null
- if (relatedTarget && 'closest' in relatedTarget) {
- const closestParallel = relatedTarget.closest('[data-parallel-id]')
- if (closestParallel)
- setHoveredParallel(closestParallel.getAttribute('data-parallel-id'))
- else
- setHoveredParallel(null)
- }
- else {
- setHoveredParallel(null)
- }
- }, [])
- const renderNode = (node: TracingNodeProps) => {
- if (node.isParallel) {
- const isCollapsed = collapsedNodes.has(node.id)
- const isHovered = hoveredParallel === node.id
- return (
- <div
- key={node.uniqueId}
- className="ml-4 mb-2 relative"
- data-parallel-id={node.id}
- onMouseEnter={() => handleParallelMouseEnter(node.id)}
- onMouseLeave={handleParallelMouseLeave}
- >
- <div className="flex items-center mb-1">
- <button
- onClick={() => toggleCollapse(node.id)}
- className={cn(
- 'mr-2 transition-colors',
- isHovered ? 'rounded border-components-button-primary-border bg-components-button-primary-bg text-text-primary-on-surface' : 'text-text-secondary hover:text-text-primary',
- )}
- >
- {isHovered ? <RiArrowDownSLine className="w-3 h-3" /> : <RiMenu4Line className="w-3 h-3 text-text-tertiary" />}
- </button>
- <div className="system-xs-semibold-uppercase text-text-secondary flex items-center">
- <span>{node.parallelTitle}</span>
- </div>
- <div
- className="mx-2 flex-grow h-px bg-divider-subtle"
- style={{ background: 'linear-gradient(to right, rgba(16, 24, 40, 0.08), rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)' }}
- ></div>
- </div>
- <div className={`pl-2 relative ${isCollapsed ? 'hidden' : ''}`}>
- <div className={cn(
- 'absolute top-0 bottom-0 left-[5px] w-[2px]',
- isHovered ? 'bg-text-accent-secondary' : 'bg-divider-subtle',
- )}></div>
- {node.children.map(renderNode)}
- </div>
- </div>
- )
- }
- else {
- const isHovered = hoveredParallel === node.id
- return (
- <div key={node.uniqueId}>
- <div className={cn('pl-4 -mb-1.5 system-2xs-medium-uppercase', isHovered ? 'text-text-tertiary' : 'text-text-quaternary')}>
- {node.branchTitle}
- </div>
- <NodePanel
- nodeInfo={node.data!}
- onShowIterationDetail={onShowIterationDetail}
- justShowIterationNavArrow={true}
- hideInfo={hideNodeInfo}
- hideProcessDetail={hideNodeProcessDetail}
- />
- </div>
- )
- }
- }
- return (
- <div className={cn(className || 'bg-components-panel-bg', 'py-2')}>
- {treeNodes.map(renderNode)}
- </div>
- )
- }
- export default TracingPanel