Wangbo f267f53b25 wb 1 mês atrás
de-DE 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
en-US 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
es-ES 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
fa-IR 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
fr-FR 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
hi-IN 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
it-IT 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
ja-JP 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
ko-KR 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
pl-PL 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
pt-BR 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
ro-RO 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
ru-RU 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
sl-SI 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
th-TH 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
tr-TR 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
uk-UA 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
vi-VN 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
zh-Hans f267f53b25 wb 1 mês atrás
zh-Hant f267f53b25 wb 1 mês atrás 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
auto-gen-i18n.js 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
check-i18n.js 2adf523749 1 3 meses atrás
i18next-config.ts 2adf523749 1 3 meses atrás
index.ts 2adf523749 1 3 meses atrás
language.ts 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
languages.json 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás
server.ts 9177c99a88 1 2 meses atrás

Internationalization (i18n)


This directory contains the internationalization (i18n) files for this project.

File Structure

├── [  24]
├── [   0]
├── [ 704]  en-US
│   ├── [2.4K]  app-annotation.ts
│   ├── [5.2K]  app-api.ts
│   ├── [ 16K]  app-debug.ts
│   ├── [2.1K]  app-log.ts
│   ├── [5.3K]  app-overview.ts
│   ├── [1.9K]  app.ts
│   ├── [4.1K]  billing.ts
│   ├── [ 17K]  common.ts
│   ├── [ 859]  custom.ts
│   ├── [5.7K]  dataset-creation.ts
│   ├── [ 10K]  dataset-documents.ts
│   ├── [ 761]  dataset-hit-testing.ts
│   ├── [1.7K]  dataset-settings.ts
│   ├── [2.0K]  dataset.ts
│   ├── [ 941]  explore.ts
│   ├── [  52]  layout.ts
│   ├── [2.3K]  login.ts
│   ├── [  52]  register.ts
│   ├── [2.5K]  share-app.ts
│   └── [2.8K]  tools.ts
├── [1.6K]  i18next-config.ts
├── [ 634]  index.ts
├── [4.4K]  language.ts

We use English as the default language. The i18n files are organized by language and then by module. For example, the English translation for the app module is in en-US/app.ts.

If you want to add a new language or modify an existing translation, you can create a new file for the language or modify the existing file. The file name should be the language code (e.g., zh-CN for Chinese) and the file extension should be .ts.

For example, if you want to add french translation, you can create a new folder fr-FR and add the translation files in it.

By default we will use LanguagesSupported to determine which languages are supported. For example, in login page and settings page, we will use LanguagesSupported to determine which languages are supported and display them in the language selection dropdown.


  1. Create a new folder for the new language.

    cp -r en-US fr-FR
  2. Modify the translation files in the new folder.

  3. Add type to new language in the language.ts file.

    export type I18nText = {
    'en-US': string
    'zh-Hans': string
    'pt-BR': string
    'es-ES': string
    'fr-FR': string
    'de-DE': string
    'ja-JP': string
    'ko-KR': string
    'ru-RU': string
    'it-IT': string
    'uk-UA': string
    'YOUR_LANGUAGE_CODE': string
  4. Add the new language to the language.json file.

    export const languages = [
    value: 'en-US',
    name: 'English(United States)',
    example: 'Hello, Dify!',
    supported: true,
    value: 'zh-Hans',
    name: '简体中文',
    example: '你好,Dify!',
    supported: true,
    value: 'pt-BR',
    name: 'Português(Brasil)',
    example: 'Olá, Dify!',
    supported: true,
    value: 'es-ES',
    name: 'Español(España)',
    example: 'Saluton, Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'fr-FR',
    name: 'Français(France)',
    example: 'Bonjour, Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'de-DE',
    name: 'Deutsch(Deutschland)',
    example: 'Hallo, Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'ja-JP',
    name: '日本語(日本)',
    example: 'こんにちは、Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'ko-KR',
    name: '한국어(대한민국)',
    example: '안녕, Dify!',
    supported: true,
    value: 'ru-RU',
    name: 'Русский(Россия)',
    example: ' Привет, Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'it-IT',
    name: 'Italiano(Italia)',
    example: 'Ciao, Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'th-TH',
    name: 'ไทย(ประเทศไทย)',
    example: 'สวัสดี Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'id-ID',
    name: 'Bahasa Indonesia',
    example: 'Saluto, Dify!',
    supported: false,
    value: 'uk-UA',
    name: 'Українська(Україна)',
    example: 'Привет, Dify!',
    supported: true,
    // Add your language here 👇
    // Add your language here 👆
  5. Don't forget to mark the supported field as true if the language is supported.

  6. Sometime you might need to do some changes in the server side. Please change this file as well. 👇

Clean Up

That's it! You have successfully added a new language to the project. If you want to remove a language, you can simply delete the folder and remove the language from the language.ts file.

We have a list of languages that we support in the language.ts file. But some of them are not supported yet. So, they are marked as false. If you want to support a language, you can follow the steps above and mark the supported field as true.