template_workflow.en.mdx 31 KB

  1. import { CodeGroup } from '../code.tsx'
  2. import { Row, Col, Properties, Property, Heading, SubProperty, Paragraph } from '../md.tsx'
  3. # Workflow App API
  4. Workflow applications offers non-session support and is ideal for translation, article writing, summarization AI, and more.
  5. <div>
  6. ### Base URL
  7. <CodeGroup title="Code" targetCode={props.appDetail.api_base_url}>
  8. ```javascript
  9. ```
  10. </CodeGroup>
  11. ### Authentication
  12. The Service API uses `API-Key` authentication.
  13. <i>**Strongly recommend storing your API Key on the server-side, not shared or stored on the client-side, to avoid possible API-Key leakage that can lead to serious consequences.**</i>
  14. For all API requests, include your API Key in the `Authorization` HTTP Header, as shown below:
  15. <CodeGroup title="Code">
  16. ```javascript
  17. Authorization: Bearer {API_KEY}
  18. ```
  19. </CodeGroup>
  20. </div>
  21. ---
  22. <Heading
  23. url='/workflows/run'
  24. method='POST'
  25. title='Execute Workflow'
  26. name='#Execute-Workflow'
  27. />
  28. <Row>
  29. <Col>
  30. Execute workflow, cannot be executed without a published workflow.
  31. ### Request Body
  32. - `inputs` (object) Required
  33. Allows the entry of various variable values defined by the App.
  34. The `inputs` parameter contains multiple key/value pairs, with each key corresponding to a specific variable and each value being the specific value for that variable.
  35. The workflow application requires at least one key/value pair to be inputted.
  36. If the variable is of File type, specify an object that has the keys described in `files` below.
  37. - `response_mode` (string) Required
  38. The mode of response return, supporting:
  39. - `streaming` Streaming mode (recommended), implements a typewriter-like output through SSE ([Server-Sent Events](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Server-sent_events/Using_server-sent_events)).
  40. - `blocking` Blocking mode, returns result after execution is complete. (Requests may be interrupted if the process is long)
  41. <i>Due to Cloudflare restrictions, the request will be interrupted without a return after 100 seconds.</i>
  42. - `user` (string) Required
  43. User identifier, used to define the identity of the end-user for retrieval and statistics.
  44. Should be uniquely defined by the developer within the application.
  45. - `files` (array[object]) Optional
  46. File list, suitable for inputting files combined with text understanding and answering questions, available only when the model supports file parsing and understanding capability.
  47. - `type` (string) Supported type:
  48. - `document` ('TXT', 'MD', 'MARKDOWN', 'PDF', 'HTML', 'XLSX', 'XLS', 'DOCX', 'CSV', 'EML', 'MSG', 'PPTX', 'PPT', 'XML', 'EPUB')
  49. - `image` ('JPG', 'JPEG', 'PNG', 'GIF', 'WEBP', 'SVG')
  50. - `audio` ('MP3', 'M4A', 'WAV', 'WEBM', 'AMR')
  51. - `video` ('MP4', 'MOV', 'MPEG', 'MPGA')
  52. - `transfer_method` (string) Transfer method, `remote_url` for image URL / `local_file` for file upload
  53. - `url` (string) Image URL (when the transfer method is `remote_url`)
  54. - `upload_file_id` (string) Uploaded file ID, which must be obtained by uploading through the File Upload API in advance (when the transfer method is `local_file`)
  55. ### Response
  56. When `response_mode` is `blocking`, return a CompletionResponse object.
  57. When `response_mode` is `streaming`, return a ChunkCompletionResponse stream.
  58. ### CompletionResponse
  59. Returns the App result, `Content-Type` is `application/json`.
  60. - `workflow_run_id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  61. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
  62. - `data` (object) detail of result
  63. - `id` (string) ID of workflow execution
  64. - `workflow_id` (string) ID of related workflow
  65. - `status` (string) status of execution, `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
  66. - `outputs` (json) Optional content of output
  67. - `error` (string) Optional reason of error
  68. - `elapsed_time` (float) Optional total seconds to be used
  69. - `total_tokens` (int) Optional tokens to be used
  70. - `total_steps` (int) default 0
  71. - `created_at` (timestamp) start time
  72. - `finished_at` (timestamp) end time
  73. ### ChunkCompletionResponse
  74. Returns the stream chunks outputted by the App, `Content-Type` is `text/event-stream`.
  75. Each streaming chunk starts with `data:`, separated by two newline characters `\n\n`, as shown below:
  76. <CodeGroup>
  77. ```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
  78. data: {"event": "message", "task_id": "900bbd43-dc0b-4383-a372-aa6e6c414227", "id": "663c5084-a254-4040-8ad3-51f2a3c1a77c", "answer": "Hi", "created_at": 1705398420}\n\n
  79. ```
  80. </CodeGroup>
  81. The structure of the streaming chunks varies depending on the `event`:
  82. - `event: workflow_started` workflow starts execution
  83. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
  84. - `workflow_run_id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  85. - `event` (string) fixed to `workflow_started`
  86. - `data` (object) detail
  87. - `id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  88. - `workflow_id` (string) ID of related workflow
  89. - `sequence_number` (int) Self-increasing serial number, self-increasing in the App, starting from 1
  90. - `created_at` (timestamp) Creation timestamp, e.g., 1705395332
  91. - `event: node_started` node execution started
  92. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
  93. - `workflow_run_id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  94. - `event` (string) fixed to `node_started`
  95. - `data` (object) detail
  96. - `id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  97. - `node_id` (string) ID of node
  98. - `node_type` (string) type of node
  99. - `title` (string) name of node
  100. - `index` (int) Execution sequence number, used to display Tracing Node sequence
  101. - `predecessor_node_id` (string) optional Prefix node ID, used for canvas display execution path
  102. - `inputs` (object) Contents of all preceding node variables used in the node
  103. - `created_at` (timestamp) timestamp of start, e.g., 1705395332
  104. - `event: node_finished` node execution ends, success or failure in different states in the same event
  105. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
  106. - `workflow_run_id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  107. - `event` (string) fixed to `node_finished`
  108. - `data` (object) detail
  109. - `id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  110. - `node_id` (string) ID of node
  111. - `node_type` (string) type of node
  112. - `title` (string) name of node
  113. - `index` (int) Execution sequence number, used to display Tracing Node sequence
  114. - `predecessor_node_id` (string) optional Prefix node ID, used for canvas display execution path
  115. - `inputs` (object) Contents of all preceding node variables used in the node
  116. - `process_data` (json) Optional node process data
  117. - `outputs` (json) Optional content of output
  118. - `status` (string) status of execution, `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
  119. - `error` (string) Optional reason of error
  120. - `elapsed_time` (float) Optional total seconds to be used
  121. - `execution_metadata` (json) meta data
  122. - `total_tokens` (int) optional tokens to be used
  123. - `total_price` (decimal) optional Total cost
  124. - `currency` (string) optional e.g. `USD` / `RMB`
  125. - `created_at` (timestamp) timestamp of start, e.g., 1705395332
  126. - `event: workflow_finished` workflow execution ends, success or failure in different states in the same event
  127. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the below Stop Generate API
  128. - `workflow_run_id` (string) Unique ID of workflow execution
  129. - `event` (string) fixed to `workflow_finished`
  130. - `data` (object) detail
  131. - `id` (string) ID of workflow execution
  132. - `workflow_id` (string) ID of related workflow
  133. - `status` (string) status of execution, `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
  134. - `outputs` (json) Optional content of output
  135. - `error` (string) Optional reason of error
  136. - `elapsed_time` (float) Optional total seconds to be used
  137. - `total_tokens` (int) Optional tokens to be used
  138. - `total_steps` (int) default 0
  139. - `created_at` (timestamp) start time
  140. - `finished_at` (timestamp) end time
  141. - `event: tts_message` TTS audio stream event, that is, speech synthesis output. The content is an audio block in Mp3 format, encoded as a base64 string. When playing, simply decode the base64 and feed it into the player. (This message is available only when auto-play is enabled)
  142. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the stop response interface below
  143. - `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
  144. - `audio` (string) The audio after speech synthesis, encoded in base64 text content, when playing, simply decode the base64 and feed it into the player
  145. - `created_at` (int) Creation timestamp, e.g.: 1705395332
  146. - `event: tts_message_end` TTS audio stream end event, receiving this event indicates the end of the audio stream.
  147. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, used for request tracking and the stop response interface below
  148. - `message_id` (string) Unique message ID
  149. - `audio` (string) The end event has no audio, so this is an empty string
  150. - `created_at` (int) Creation timestamp, e.g.: 1705395332
  151. - `event: ping` Ping event every 10 seconds to keep the connection alive.
  152. ### Errors
  153. - 400, `invalid_param`, abnormal parameter input
  154. - 400, `app_unavailable`, App configuration unavailable
  155. - 400, `provider_not_initialize`, no available model credential configuration
  156. - 400, `provider_quota_exceeded`, model invocation quota insufficient
  157. - 400, `model_currently_not_support`, current model unavailable
  158. - 400, `workflow_request_error`, workflow execution failed
  159. - 500, internal server error
  160. </Col>
  161. <Col sticky>
  162. <CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/workflows/run" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/run' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--data-raw '{\n "inputs": ${JSON.stringify(props.inputs)},\n "response_mode": "streaming",\n "user": "abc-123"\n}'\n`}>
  163. ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
  164. curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/run' \
  165. --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
  166. --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  167. --data-raw '{
  168. "inputs": {},
  169. "response_mode": "streaming",
  170. "user": "abc-123"
  171. }'
  172. ```
  173. </CodeGroup>
  174. <CodeGroup title="File variable example">
  175. ```json {{ title: 'File variable example' }}
  176. {
  177. "inputs": {
  178. "{variable_name}": {
  179. "transfer_method": "local_file",
  180. "upload_file_id": "{upload_file_id}",
  181. "type": "{document_type}"
  182. }
  183. }
  184. }
  185. ```
  186. </CodeGroup>
  187. ### Blocking Mode
  188. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  189. ```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  190. {
  191. "workflow_run_id": "djflajgkldjgd",
  192. "task_id": "9da23599-e713-473b-982c-4328d4f5c78a",
  193. "data": {
  194. "id": "fdlsjfjejkghjda",
  195. "workflow_id": "fldjaslkfjlsda",
  196. "status": "succeeded",
  197. "outputs": {
  198. "text": "Nice to meet you."
  199. },
  200. "error": null,
  201. "elapsed_time": 0.875,
  202. "total_tokens": 3562,
  203. "total_steps": 8,
  204. "created_at": 1705407629,
  205. "finished_at": 1727807631
  206. }
  207. }
  208. ```
  209. </CodeGroup>
  210. ### Streaming Mode
  211. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  212. ```streaming {{ title: 'Response' }}
  213. data: {"event": "workflow_started", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "workflow_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "sequence_number": 1, "created_at": 1679586595}}
  214. data: {"event": "node_started", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "node_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "node_type": "start", "title": "Start", "index": 0, "predecessor_node_id": "fdljewklfklgejlglsd", "inputs": {}, "created_at": 1679586595}}
  215. data: {"event": "node_finished", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "node_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "node_type": "start", "title": "Start", "index": 0, "predecessor_node_id": "fdljewklfklgejlglsd", "inputs": {}, "outputs": {}, "status": "succeeded", "elapsed_time": 0.324, "execution_metadata": {"total_tokens": 63127864, "total_price": 2.378, "currency": "USD"}, "created_at": 1679586595}}
  216. data: {"event": "workflow_finished", "task_id": "5ad4cb98-f0c7-4085-b384-88c403be6290", "workflow_run_id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "data": {"id": "5ad498-f0c7-4085-b384-88cbe6290", "workflow_id": "dfjasklfjdslag", "outputs": {}, "status": "succeeded", "elapsed_time": 0.324, "total_tokens": 63127864, "total_steps": "1", "created_at": 1679586595, "finished_at": 1679976595}}
  217. data: {"event": "tts_message", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": "qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq"}
  218. data: {"event": "tts_message_end", "conversation_id": "23dd85f3-1a41-4ea0-b7a9-062734ccfaf9", "message_id": "a8bdc41c-13b2-4c18-bfd9-054b9803038c", "created_at": 1721205487, "task_id": "3bf8a0bb-e73b-4690-9e66-4e429bad8ee7", "audio": ""}
  219. ```
  220. </CodeGroup>
  221. <CodeGroup title="File upload sample code">
  222. ```json {{ title: 'File upload sample code' }}
  223. {
  224. import requests
  225. import json
  226. def upload_file(file_path, user):
  227. upload_url = "https://api.dify.ai/v1/files/upload"
  228. headers = {
  229. "Authorization": "Bearer app-xxxxxxxx",
  230. }
  231. try:
  232. print("Upload file...")
  233. with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
  234. files = {
  235. 'file': (file_path, file, 'text/plain') # Make sure the file is uploaded with the appropriate MIME type
  236. }
  237. data = {
  238. "user": user,
  239. "type": "TXT" # Set the file type to TXT
  240. }
  241. response = requests.post(upload_url, headers=headers, files=files, data=data)
  242. if response.status_code == 201: # 201 means creation is successful
  243. print("File uploaded successfully")
  244. return response.json().get("id") # Get the uploaded file ID
  245. else:
  246. print(f"File upload failed, status code: {response.status_code}")
  247. return None
  248. except Exception as e:
  249. print(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}")
  250. return None
  251. def run_workflow(file_id, user, response_mode="blocking"):
  252. workflow_url = "https://api.dify.ai/v1/workflows/run"
  253. headers = {
  254. "Authorization": "Bearer app-xxxxxxxxx",
  255. "Content-Type": "application/json"
  256. }
  257. data = {
  258. "inputs": {
  259. "orig_mail": {
  260. "transfer_method": "local_file",
  261. "upload_file_id": file_id,
  262. "type": "document"
  263. }
  264. },
  265. "response_mode": response_mode,
  266. "user": user
  267. }
  268. try:
  269. print("Run Workflow...")
  270. response = requests.post(workflow_url, headers=headers, json=data)
  271. if response.status_code == 200:
  272. print("Workflow execution successful")
  273. return response.json()
  274. else:
  275. print(f"Workflow execution failed, status code: {response.status_code}")
  276. return {"status": "error", "message": f"Failed to execute workflow, status code: {response.status_code}"}
  277. except Exception as e:
  278. print(f"Error occurred: {str(e)}")
  279. return {"status": "error", "message": str(e)}
  280. # Usage Examples
  281. file_path = "{your_file_path}"
  282. user = "difyuser"
  283. # Upload files
  284. file_id = upload_file(file_path, user)
  285. if file_id:
  286. # The file was uploaded successfully, and the workflow continues to run
  287. result = run_workflow(file_id, user)
  288. print(result)
  289. else:
  290. print("File upload failed and workflow cannot be executed")
  291. }
  292. ```
  293. </CodeGroup>
  294. </Col>
  295. </Row>
  296. ---
  297. <Heading
  298. url='/workflows/run/:workflow_id'
  299. method='GET'
  300. title='Get Workflow Run Detail'
  301. name='#get-workflow-run-detail'
  302. />
  303. <Row>
  304. <Col>
  305. Retrieve the current execution results of a workflow task based on the workflow execution ID.
  306. ### Path
  307. - `workflow_id` (string) Workflow ID, can be obtained from the streaming chunk return
  308. ### Response
  309. - `id` (string) ID of workflow execution
  310. - `workflow_id` (string) ID of related workflow
  311. - `status` (string) status of execution, `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
  312. - `inputs` (json) content of input
  313. - `outputs` (json) content of output
  314. - `error` (string) reason of error
  315. - `total_steps` (int) total steps of task
  316. - `total_tokens` (int) total tokens to be used
  317. - `created_at` (timestamp) start time
  318. - `finished_at` (timestamp) end time
  319. - `elapsed_time` (float) total seconds to be used
  320. </Col>
  321. <Col sticky>
  322. ### Request Example
  323. <CodeGroup title="Request" tag="GET" label="/workflows/run/:workflow_id" targetCode={`curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/run/:workflow_id' \\\n-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json'`}>
  324. ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
  325. curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/run/:workflow_id' \
  326. -H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
  327. -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
  328. ```
  329. </CodeGroup>
  330. ### Response Example
  331. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  332. ```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  333. {
  334. "id": "b1ad3277-089e-42c6-9dff-6820d94fbc76",
  335. "workflow_id": "19eff89f-ec03-4f75-b0fc-897e7effea02",
  336. "status": "succeeded",
  337. "inputs": "{\"sys.files\": [], \"sys.user_id\": \"abc-123\"}",
  338. "outputs": null,
  339. "error": null,
  340. "total_steps": 3,
  341. "total_tokens": 0,
  342. "created_at": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:17:40 -0000",
  343. "finished_at": "Thu, 18 Jul 2024 03:18:10 -0000",
  344. "elapsed_time": 30.098514399956912
  345. }
  346. ```
  347. </CodeGroup>
  348. </Col>
  349. </Row>
  350. ---
  351. <Heading
  352. url='/workflows/tasks/:task_id/stop'
  353. method='POST'
  354. title='Stop Generate'
  355. name='#stop-generatebacks'
  356. />
  357. <Row>
  358. <Col>
  359. Only supported in streaming mode.
  360. ### Path
  361. - `task_id` (string) Task ID, can be obtained from the streaming chunk return
  362. ### Request Body
  363. - `user` (string) Required
  364. User identifier, used to define the identity of the end-user, must be consistent with the user passed in the send message interface.
  365. ### Response
  366. - `result` (string) Always returns "success"
  367. </Col>
  368. <Col sticky>
  369. ### Request Example
  370. <CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/workflows/tasks/:task_id/stop" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/tasks/:task_id/stop' \\\n-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \\\n--data-raw '{"user": "abc-123"}'`}>
  371. ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
  372. curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/tasks/:task_id/stop' \
  373. -H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
  374. -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  375. --data-raw '{
  376. "user": "abc-123"
  377. }'
  378. ```
  379. </CodeGroup>
  380. ### Response Example
  381. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  382. ```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  383. {
  384. "result": "success"
  385. }
  386. ```
  387. </CodeGroup>
  388. </Col>
  389. </Row>
  390. ---
  391. <Heading
  392. url='/files/upload'
  393. method='POST'
  394. title='File Upload'
  395. name='#file-upload'
  396. />
  397. <Row>
  398. <Col>
  399. Upload a file for use when sending messages, enabling multimodal understanding of images and text.
  400. Supports any formats that are supported by your workflow.
  401. Uploaded files are for use by the current end-user only.
  402. ### Request Body
  403. This interface requires a `multipart/form-data` request.
  404. - `file` (File) Required
  405. The file to be uploaded.
  406. - `user` (string) Required
  407. User identifier, defined by the developer's rules, must be unique within the application.
  408. ### Response
  409. After a successful upload, the server will return the file's ID and related information.
  410. - `id` (uuid) ID
  411. - `name` (string) File name
  412. - `size` (int) File size (bytes)
  413. - `extension` (string) File extension
  414. - `mime_type` (string) File mime-type
  415. - `created_by` (uuid) End-user ID
  416. - `created_at` (timestamp) Creation timestamp, e.g., 1705395332
  417. ### Errors
  418. - 400, `no_file_uploaded`, a file must be provided
  419. - 400, `too_many_files`, currently only one file is accepted
  420. - 400, `unsupported_preview`, the file does not support preview
  421. - 400, `unsupported_estimate`, the file does not support estimation
  422. - 413, `file_too_large`, the file is too large
  423. - 415, `unsupported_file_type`, unsupported extension, currently only document files are accepted
  424. - 503, `s3_connection_failed`, unable to connect to S3 service
  425. - 503, `s3_permission_denied`, no permission to upload files to S3
  426. - 503, `s3_file_too_large`, file exceeds S3 size limit
  427. - 500, internal server error
  428. </Col>
  429. <Col sticky>
  430. ### Request Example
  431. <CodeGroup title="Request" tag="POST" label="/files/upload" targetCode={`curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/files/upload' \\\n--header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \\\n--form 'file=@localfile;type=image/[png|jpeg|jpg|webp|gif] \\\n--form 'user=abc-123'`}>
  432. ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
  433. curl -X POST '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/files/upload' \
  434. --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}' \
  435. --form 'file=@"/path/to/file"'
  436. ```
  437. </CodeGroup>
  438. ### Response Example
  439. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  440. ```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  441. {
  442. "id": "72fa9618-8f89-4a37-9b33-7e1178a24a67",
  443. "name": "example.png",
  444. "size": 1024,
  445. "extension": "png",
  446. "mime_type": "image/png",
  447. "created_by": "6ad1ab0a-73ff-4ac1-b9e4-cdb312f71f13",
  448. "created_at": 1577836800,
  449. }
  450. ```
  451. </CodeGroup>
  452. </Col>
  453. </Row>
  454. ---
  455. <Heading
  456. url='/workflows/logs'
  457. method='GET'
  458. title='Get Workflow Logs'
  459. name='#Get-Workflow-Logs'
  460. />
  461. <Row>
  462. <Col>
  463. Returns workflow logs, with the first page returning the latest `{limit}` messages, i.e., in reverse order.
  464. ### Query
  465. <Properties>
  466. <Property name='keyword' type='string' key='keyword'>
  467. Keyword to search
  468. </Property>
  469. <Property name='status' type='string' key='status'>
  470. succeeded/failed/stopped
  471. </Property>
  472. <Property name='page' type='int' key='page'>
  473. current page, default is 1.
  474. </Property>
  475. <Property name='limit' type='int' key='limit'>
  476. How many chat history messages to return in one request, default is 20.
  477. </Property>
  478. </Properties>
  479. ### Response
  480. - `page` (int) Current page
  481. - `limit` (int) Number of returned items, if input exceeds system limit, returns system limit amount
  482. - `total` (int) Number of total items
  483. - `has_more` (bool) Whether there is a next page
  484. - `data` (array[object]) Log list
  485. - `id` (string) ID
  486. - `workflow_run` (object) Workflow run
  487. - `id` (string) ID
  488. - `version` (string) Version
  489. - `status` (string) status of execution, `running` / `succeeded` / `failed` / `stopped`
  490. - `error` (string) Optional reason of error
  491. - `elapsed_time` (float) total seconds to be used
  492. - `total_tokens` (int) tokens to be used
  493. - `total_steps` (int) default 0
  494. - `created_at` (timestamp) start time
  495. - `finished_at` (timestamp) end time
  496. - `created_from` (string) Created from
  497. - `created_by_role` (string) Created by role
  498. - `created_by_account` (string) Optional Created by account
  499. - `created_by_end_user` (object) Created by end user
  500. - `id` (string) ID
  501. - `type` (string) Type
  502. - `is_anonymous` (bool) Is anonymous
  503. - `session_id` (string) Session ID
  504. - `created_at` (timestamp) create time
  505. </Col>
  506. <Col sticky>
  507. <CodeGroup title="Request" tag="GET" label="/workflows/logs" targetCode={`curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/logs'\\\n --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'`}>
  508. ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
  509. curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/workflows/logs?limit=1'
  510. --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
  511. ```
  512. </CodeGroup>
  513. ### Response Example
  514. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  515. ```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  516. {
  517. "page": 1,
  518. "limit": 1,
  519. "total": 7,
  520. "has_more": true,
  521. "data": [
  522. {
  523. "id": "e41b93f1-7ca2-40fd-b3a8-999aeb499cc0",
  524. "workflow_run": {
  525. "id": "c0640fc8-03ef-4481-a96c-8a13b732a36e",
  526. "version": "2024-08-01 12:17:09.771832",
  527. "status": "succeeded",
  528. "error": null,
  529. "elapsed_time": 1.3588523610014818,
  530. "total_tokens": 0,
  531. "total_steps": 3,
  532. "created_at": 1726139643,
  533. "finished_at": 1726139644
  534. },
  535. "created_from": "service-api",
  536. "created_by_role": "end_user",
  537. "created_by_account": null,
  538. "created_by_end_user": {
  539. "id": "7f7d9117-dd9d-441d-8970-87e5e7e687a3",
  540. "type": "service_api",
  541. "is_anonymous": false,
  542. "session_id": "abc-123"
  543. },
  544. "created_at": 1726139644
  545. }
  546. ]
  547. }
  548. ```
  549. </CodeGroup>
  550. </Col>
  551. </Row>
  552. ---
  553. <Heading
  554. url='/info'
  555. method='GET'
  556. title='Get Application Basic Information'
  557. name='#info'
  558. />
  559. <Row>
  560. <Col>
  561. Used to get basic information about this application
  562. ### Query
  563. <Properties>
  564. <Property name='user' type='string' key='user'>
  565. User identifier, defined by the developer's rules, must be unique within the application.
  566. </Property>
  567. </Properties>
  568. ### Response
  569. - `name` (string) application name
  570. - `description` (string) application description
  571. - `tags` (array[string]) application tags
  572. </Col>
  573. <Col>
  574. <CodeGroup title="Request" tag="GET" label="/info" targetCode={`curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/info?user=abc-123' \\\n-H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'`}>
  575. ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
  576. curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/info?user=abc-123' \
  577. -H 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
  578. ```
  579. </CodeGroup>
  580. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  581. ```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  582. {
  583. "name": "My App",
  584. "description": "This is my app.",
  585. "tags": [
  586. "tag1",
  587. "tag2"
  588. ]
  589. }
  590. ```
  591. </CodeGroup>
  592. </Col>
  593. </Row>
  594. ---
  595. <Heading
  596. url='/parameters'
  597. method='GET'
  598. title='Get Application Parameters Information'
  599. name='#parameters'
  600. />
  601. <Row>
  602. <Col>
  603. Used at the start of entering the page to obtain information such as features, input parameter names, types, and default values.
  604. ### Query
  605. <Properties>
  606. <Property name='user' type='string' key='user'>
  607. User identifier, defined by the developer's rules, must be unique within the application.
  608. </Property>
  609. </Properties>
  610. ### Response
  611. - `user_input_form` (array[object]) User input form configuration
  612. - `text-input` (object) Text input control
  613. - `label` (string) Variable display label name
  614. - `variable` (string) Variable ID
  615. - `required` (bool) Whether it is required
  616. - `default` (string) Default value
  617. - `paragraph` (object) Paragraph text input control
  618. - `label` (string) Variable display label name
  619. - `variable` (string) Variable ID
  620. - `required` (bool) Whether it is required
  621. - `default` (string) Default value
  622. - `select` (object) Dropdown control
  623. - `label` (string) Variable display label name
  624. - `variable` (string) Variable ID
  625. - `required` (bool) Whether it is required
  626. - `default` (string) Default value
  627. - `options` (array[string]) Option values
  628. - `file_upload` (object) File upload configuration
  629. - `image` (object) Image settings
  630. Currently only supports image types: `png`, `jpg`, `jpeg`, `webp`, `gif`
  631. - `enabled` (bool) Whether it is enabled
  632. - `number_limits` (int) Image number limit, default is 3
  633. - `transfer_methods` (array[string]) List of transfer methods, remote_url, local_file, must choose one
  634. - `system_parameters` (object) System parameters
  635. - `file_size_limit` (int) Document upload size limit (MB)
  636. - `image_file_size_limit` (int) Image file upload size limit (MB)
  637. - `audio_file_size_limit` (int) Audio file upload size limit (MB)
  638. - `video_file_size_limit` (int) Video file upload size limit (MB)
  639. </Col>
  640. <Col sticky>
  641. <CodeGroup title="Request" tag="GET" label="/parameters" targetCode={` curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/parameters?user=abc-123'`}>
  642. ```bash {{ title: 'cURL' }}
  643. curl -X GET '${props.appDetail.api_base_url}/parameters?user=abc-123' \
  644. --header 'Authorization: Bearer {api_key}'
  645. ```
  646. </CodeGroup>
  647. <CodeGroup title="Response">
  648. ```json {{ title: 'Response' }}
  649. {
  650. "user_input_form": [
  651. {
  652. "paragraph": {
  653. "label": "Query",
  654. "variable": "query",
  655. "required": true,
  656. "default": ""
  657. }
  658. }
  659. ],
  660. "file_upload": {
  661. "image": {
  662. "enabled": false,
  663. "number_limits": 3,
  664. "detail": "high",
  665. "transfer_methods": [
  666. "remote_url",
  667. "local_file"
  668. ]
  669. }
  670. },
  671. "system_parameters": {
  672. "file_size_limit": 15,
  673. "image_file_size_limit": 10,
  674. "audio_file_size_limit": 50,
  675. "video_file_size_limit": 100
  676. }
  677. }
  678. ```
  679. </CodeGroup>
  680. </Col>
  681. </Row>