123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417 |
- import { useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'
- import produce from 'immer'
- import { EditionType, VarType } from '../../types'
- import type { Memory, PromptItem, ValueSelector, Var, Variable } from '../../types'
- import { useStore } from '../../store'
- import {
- useIsChatMode,
- useNodesReadOnly,
- } from '../../hooks'
- import useAvailableVarList from '../_base/hooks/use-available-var-list'
- import useConfigVision from '../../hooks/use-config-vision'
- import type { LLMNodeType } from './types'
- import { useModelListAndDefaultModelAndCurrentProviderAndModel } from '@/app/components/header/account-setting/model-provider-page/hooks'
- import {
- ModelTypeEnum,
- } from '@/app/components/header/account-setting/model-provider-page/declarations'
- import useNodeCrud from '@/app/components/workflow/nodes/_base/hooks/use-node-crud'
- import useOneStepRun from '@/app/components/workflow/nodes/_base/hooks/use-one-step-run'
- import { RETRIEVAL_OUTPUT_STRUCT } from '@/app/components/workflow/constants'
- import { checkHasContextBlock, checkHasHistoryBlock, checkHasQueryBlock } from '@/app/components/base/prompt-editor/constants'
- const useConfig = (id: string, payload: LLMNodeType) => {
- const { nodesReadOnly: readOnly } = useNodesReadOnly()
- const isChatMode = useIsChatMode()
- const defaultConfig = useStore(s => s.nodesDefaultConfigs)[payload.type]
- const [defaultRolePrefix, setDefaultRolePrefix] = useState<{ user: string; assistant: string }>({ user: '', assistant: '' })
- const { inputs, setInputs: doSetInputs } = useNodeCrud<LLMNodeType>(id, payload)
- const inputRef = useRef(inputs)
- const setInputs = useCallback((newInputs: LLMNodeType) => {
- if (newInputs.memory && !newInputs.memory.role_prefix) {
- const newPayload = produce(newInputs, (draft) => {
- draft.memory!.role_prefix = defaultRolePrefix
- })
- doSetInputs(newPayload)
- inputRef.current = newPayload
- return
- }
- doSetInputs(newInputs)
- inputRef.current = newInputs
- }, [doSetInputs, defaultRolePrefix])
- // model
- const model = inputs.model
- const modelMode = inputs.model?.mode
- const isChatModel = modelMode === 'chat'
- const isCompletionModel = !isChatModel
- const hasSetBlockStatus = (() => {
- const promptTemplate = inputs.prompt_template
- const hasSetContext = isChatModel ? (promptTemplate as PromptItem[]).some(item => checkHasContextBlock(item.text)) : checkHasContextBlock((promptTemplate as PromptItem).text)
- if (!isChatMode) {
- return {
- history: false,
- query: false,
- context: hasSetContext,
- }
- }
- if (isChatModel) {
- return {
- history: false,
- query: (promptTemplate as PromptItem[]).some(item => checkHasQueryBlock(item.text)),
- context: hasSetContext,
- }
- }
- else {
- return {
- history: checkHasHistoryBlock((promptTemplate as PromptItem).text),
- query: checkHasQueryBlock((promptTemplate as PromptItem).text),
- context: hasSetContext,
- }
- }
- })()
- const shouldShowContextTip = !hasSetBlockStatus.context && inputs.context.enabled
- const appendDefaultPromptConfig = useCallback((draft: LLMNodeType, defaultConfig: any, passInIsChatMode?: boolean) => {
- const promptTemplates = defaultConfig.prompt_templates
- if (passInIsChatMode === undefined ? isChatModel : passInIsChatMode) {
- draft.prompt_template = promptTemplates.chat_model.prompts
- }
- else {
- draft.prompt_template = promptTemplates.completion_model.prompt
- setDefaultRolePrefix({
- user: promptTemplates.completion_model.conversation_histories_role.user_prefix,
- assistant: promptTemplates.completion_model.conversation_histories_role.assistant_prefix,
- })
- }
- }, [isChatModel])
- useEffect(() => {
- const isReady = defaultConfig && Object.keys(defaultConfig).length > 0
- if (isReady && !inputs.prompt_template) {
- const newInputs = produce(inputs, (draft) => {
- appendDefaultPromptConfig(draft, defaultConfig)
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- }, [defaultConfig, isChatModel])
- const [modelChanged, setModelChanged] = useState(false)
- const {
- currentProvider,
- currentModel,
- } = useModelListAndDefaultModelAndCurrentProviderAndModel(ModelTypeEnum.textGeneration)
- const {
- isVisionModel,
- handleVisionResolutionEnabledChange,
- handleVisionResolutionChange,
- handleModelChanged: handleVisionConfigAfterModelChanged,
- } = useConfigVision(model, {
- payload: inputs.vision,
- onChange: (newPayload) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputs, (draft) => {
- draft.vision = newPayload
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- },
- })
- const handleModelChanged = useCallback((model: { provider: string; modelId: string; mode?: string }) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputRef.current, (draft) => {
- draft.model.provider = model.provider
- draft.model.name = model.modelId
- draft.model.mode = model.mode!
- const isModeChange = model.mode !== inputRef.current.model.mode
- if (isModeChange && defaultConfig && Object.keys(defaultConfig).length > 0)
- appendDefaultPromptConfig(draft, defaultConfig, model.mode === 'chat')
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- setModelChanged(true)
- }, [setInputs, defaultConfig, appendDefaultPromptConfig])
- useEffect(() => {
- if (currentProvider?.provider && currentModel?.model && !model.provider) {
- handleModelChanged({
- provider: currentProvider?.provider,
- modelId: currentModel?.model,
- mode: currentModel?.model_properties?.mode as string,
- })
- }
- }, [model.provider, currentProvider, currentModel, handleModelChanged])
- const handleCompletionParamsChange = useCallback((newParams: Record<string, any>) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputs, (draft) => {
- draft.model.completion_params = newParams
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [inputs, setInputs])
- // change to vision model to set vision enabled, else disabled
- useEffect(() => {
- if (!modelChanged)
- return
- setModelChanged(false)
- handleVisionConfigAfterModelChanged()
- // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
- }, [isVisionModel, modelChanged])
- // variables
- const isShowVars = (() => {
- if (isChatModel)
- return (inputs.prompt_template as PromptItem[]).some(item => item.edition_type === EditionType.jinja2)
- return (inputs.prompt_template as PromptItem).edition_type === EditionType.jinja2
- })()
- const handleAddEmptyVariable = useCallback(() => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputRef.current, (draft) => {
- if (!draft.prompt_config) {
- draft.prompt_config = {
- jinja2_variables: [],
- }
- }
- if (!draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables)
- draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables = []
- draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables.push({
- variable: '',
- value_selector: [],
- })
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [setInputs])
- const handleAddVariable = useCallback((payload: Variable) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputRef.current, (draft) => {
- if (!draft.prompt_config) {
- draft.prompt_config = {
- jinja2_variables: [],
- }
- }
- if (!draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables)
- draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables = []
- draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables.push(payload)
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [setInputs])
- const handleVarListChange = useCallback((newList: Variable[]) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputRef.current, (draft) => {
- if (!draft.prompt_config) {
- draft.prompt_config = {
- jinja2_variables: [],
- }
- }
- if (!draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables)
- draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables = []
- draft.prompt_config.jinja2_variables = newList
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [setInputs])
- const handleVarNameChange = useCallback((oldName: string, newName: string) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputRef.current, (draft) => {
- if (isChatModel) {
- const promptTemplate = draft.prompt_template as PromptItem[]
- promptTemplate.filter(item => item.edition_type === EditionType.jinja2).forEach((item) => {
- item.jinja2_text = (item.jinja2_text || '').replaceAll(`{{ ${oldName} }}`, `{{ ${newName} }}`)
- })
- }
- else {
- if ((draft.prompt_template as PromptItem).edition_type !== EditionType.jinja2)
- return
- const promptTemplate = draft.prompt_template as PromptItem
- promptTemplate.jinja2_text = (promptTemplate.jinja2_text || '').replaceAll(`{{ ${oldName} }}`, `{{ ${newName} }}`)
- }
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [isChatModel, setInputs])
- // context
- const handleContextVarChange = useCallback((newVar: ValueSelector | string) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputs, (draft) => {
- draft.context.variable_selector = newVar as ValueSelector || []
- draft.context.enabled = !!(newVar && newVar.length > 0)
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [inputs, setInputs])
- const handlePromptChange = useCallback((newPrompt: PromptItem[] | PromptItem) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputRef.current, (draft) => {
- draft.prompt_template = newPrompt
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [setInputs])
- const handleMemoryChange = useCallback((newMemory?: Memory) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputs, (draft) => {
- draft.memory = newMemory
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [inputs, setInputs])
- const handleSyeQueryChange = useCallback((newQuery: string) => {
- const newInputs = produce(inputs, (draft) => {
- if (!draft.memory) {
- draft.memory = {
- window: {
- enabled: false,
- size: 10,
- },
- query_prompt_template: newQuery,
- }
- }
- else {
- draft.memory.query_prompt_template = newQuery
- }
- })
- setInputs(newInputs)
- }, [inputs, setInputs])
- const filterInputVar = useCallback((varPayload: Var) => {
- return [VarType.number, VarType.string, VarType.secret, VarType.arrayString, VarType.arrayNumber, VarType.file, VarType.arrayFile].includes(varPayload.type)
- }, [])
- const filterJinjia2InputVar = useCallback((varPayload: Var) => {
- return [VarType.number, VarType.string, VarType.secret, VarType.arrayString, VarType.arrayNumber].includes(varPayload.type)
- }, [])
- const filterMemoryPromptVar = useCallback((varPayload: Var) => {
- return [VarType.arrayObject, VarType.array, VarType.number, VarType.string, VarType.secret, VarType.arrayString, VarType.arrayNumber, VarType.file, VarType.arrayFile].includes(varPayload.type)
- }, [])
- const {
- availableVars,
- availableNodesWithParent,
- } = useAvailableVarList(id, {
- onlyLeafNodeVar: false,
- filterVar: filterMemoryPromptVar,
- })
- // single run
- const {
- isShowSingleRun,
- hideSingleRun,
- getInputVars,
- runningStatus,
- handleRun,
- handleStop,
- runInputData,
- setRunInputData,
- runResult,
- toVarInputs,
- } = useOneStepRun<LLMNodeType>({
- id,
- data: inputs,
- defaultRunInputData: {
- '#files#': [],
- },
- })
- const inputVarValues = (() => {
- const vars: Record<string, any> = {}
- Object.keys(runInputData)
- .filter(key => !['#context#', '#files#'].includes(key))
- .forEach((key) => {
- vars[key] = runInputData[key]
- })
- return vars
- })()
- const setInputVarValues = useCallback((newPayload: Record<string, any>) => {
- const newVars = {
- ...newPayload,
- '#context#': runInputData['#context#'],
- '#files#': runInputData['#files#'],
- }
- setRunInputData(newVars)
- }, [runInputData, setRunInputData])
- const contexts = runInputData['#context#']
- const setContexts = useCallback((newContexts: string[]) => {
- setRunInputData({
- ...runInputData,
- '#context#': newContexts,
- })
- }, [runInputData, setRunInputData])
- const visionFiles = runInputData['#files#']
- const setVisionFiles = useCallback((newFiles: any[]) => {
- setRunInputData({
- ...runInputData,
- '#files#': newFiles,
- })
- }, [runInputData, setRunInputData])
- const allVarStrArr = (() => {
- const arr = isChatModel ? (inputs.prompt_template as PromptItem[]).filter(item => item.edition_type !== EditionType.jinja2).map(item => item.text) : [(inputs.prompt_template as PromptItem).text]
- if (isChatMode && isChatModel && !!inputs.memory) {
- arr.push('{{#sys.query#}}')
- arr.push(inputs.memory.query_prompt_template)
- }
- return arr
- })()
- const varInputs = (() => {
- const vars = getInputVars(allVarStrArr)
- if (isShowVars)
- return [...vars, ...toVarInputs(inputs.prompt_config?.jinja2_variables || [])]
- return vars
- })()
- return {
- readOnly,
- isChatMode,
- inputs,
- isChatModel,
- isCompletionModel,
- hasSetBlockStatus,
- shouldShowContextTip,
- isVisionModel,
- handleModelChanged,
- handleCompletionParamsChange,
- isShowVars,
- handleVarListChange,
- handleVarNameChange,
- handleAddVariable,
- handleAddEmptyVariable,
- handleContextVarChange,
- filterInputVar,
- filterVar: filterMemoryPromptVar,
- availableVars,
- availableNodesWithParent,
- handlePromptChange,
- handleMemoryChange,
- handleSyeQueryChange,
- handleVisionResolutionEnabledChange,
- handleVisionResolutionChange,
- isShowSingleRun,
- hideSingleRun,
- inputVarValues,
- setInputVarValues,
- visionFiles,
- setVisionFiles,
- contexts,
- setContexts,
- varInputs,
- runningStatus,
- handleRun,
- handleStop,
- runResult,
- filterJinjia2InputVar,
- }
- }
- export default useConfig