@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
<el-divider direction="vertical" border-style="dashed" />
<div class="px-8px text-center" style="margin: auto;">
<div class="mb-16px text-18px text-white ">请假人数</div>
- <CountTo class="text-28px" :start-val="0" :end-val="totalSate.ExcuNum" :duration="2600" />
+ <CountTo class="text-28px" :start-val="0" :end-val="totalSate.excuseNum" :duration="2600" />
@@ -123,7 +123,7 @@
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="24" :xl="24">
<el-card shadow="never" class=" mb-10px h-480px ">
<template #header>
- <div class="h-5 flex justify-between fw-800 text-20px">
+ <div class="h-7 flex justify-between fw-800 text-20px">
@@ -138,30 +138,51 @@
<el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="24" :xl="24">
<el-card shadow="never" class="mb-10px ">
<template #header>
- <div class="h-5 flex justify-between fw-800 text-20px">
+ <div class="h-7 flex justify-between fw-800 text-20px">
<div class="demo">
+ <div class="table-header">
+ <div class="header">
+ <el-row class="shouye" style="border: none;">
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <div>姓名</div>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <div>学号</div>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <div>工作间</div>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <div>打卡时间</div>
+ </el-col>
+ <!-- <el-col :span="10" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <div>缺勤时间段</div>
+ </el-col> -->
+ </el-row>
+ </div>
+ </div>
<vue3ScrollSeamless class="scroll-wrap text-color" :classOptions="classOptions" :dataList="list">
<div v-if="list.length > 0">
<el-row v-for="(item, i) of list" :key="i" class="shouye"
style="margin-bottom: 10px; display: flex; justify-content: center;">
- <el-col :span="7" class="center"
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center"
style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 6px;">
- <div>{{ item.trainNumber }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.studentName }}</div>
<el-col :span="6" class="center"
style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 6px;">
- <div>{{ item.destination }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.userNumber }}</div>
<el-col :span="6" class="center"
style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 6px;">
- <div>{{ item.departureTime }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.daptName }}</div>
- <el-col :span="5" class="center"
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center"
style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; padding: 6px;">
- <div>{{ item.status }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.clockInTime }}</div>
@@ -188,39 +209,45 @@
<div class="demos">
- <!-- <div class="table-header">
+ <div class="table-header">
<div class="header">
<el-row class="shouye" style="border: none;">
- <el-col :span="8" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
- <div>学生学号</div>
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <div>姓名</div>
- <el-col :span="10" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <div>学号</div>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
<el-col :span="6" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
- <el-col :span="10" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
+ <!-- <el-col :span="10" class="center text-18px" style="border: none;">
- </el-col>
+ </el-col> -->
- </div> -->
+ </div>
<vue3ScrollSeamless class="scroll-wraps text-color" :classOptions="class2Options" :dataList="list2">
<div v-if="list2.length > 0">
<el-row v-for="(item, i) of list2" :key="i" class="shouye">
- <el-col :span="6" class="center" style="padding: 10px; border: none;">
+ <!-- <el-col :span="6" class="center" style="padding: 10px; border: none;">
<div>{{ item.ID }}</div>
+ </el-col> -->
+ <el-col :span="6" class="center" style="padding: 10px; border: none;">
+ <div>{{ item.studentName }}</div>
<el-col :span="6" class="center" style="padding: 10px; border: none;">
- <div>{{ item.destination }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.userNumber }}</div>
<el-col :span="6" class="center" style="padding: 10px; border: none;">
- <div>{{ item.trainNumber }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.deptName }}</div>
<el-col :span="6" class="center" style="padding: 10px; border: none;">
- <div>{{ item.departureTime }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.supervisor }}</div>
@@ -241,28 +268,15 @@
<div class="demoss">
- <!-- <div class="table-header">
- <div class="header">
- <el-row class="shouye">
- <el-col :span="12" class="center text-18px">
- <div>工作间</div>
- </el-col>
- <el-col :span="15" class="center text-18px ">
- <div>学生毕业条件达成率</div>
- </el-col>
- </el-row>
- </div>
- </div> -->
<vue3ScrollSeamless class="scroll-wrapss text-color" :classOptions="list1Options" :dataList="list1">
<div v-if="list1.length > 0">
<el-row v-for="(item, i) of list1" :key="i" class="shouye" :style="{ marginBottom: '10px' }">
<!-- 增加行与行之间的间距 -->
<el-col :span="12" class="center" style="padding: 8px;"> <!-- 增加内边距 -->
- <div>{{ item.destination }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.name }}</div>
<el-col :span="12" class="center" style="padding: 8px;">
- <div>{{ item.departureNumber }}</div>
+ <div>{{ item.graduationRate }}%</div>
@@ -283,7 +297,6 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
-import { set } from 'lodash-es'
import { EChartsOption, List } from 'echarts'
import { formatTime } from '@/utils'
import { useUserStore } from '@/store/modules/user'
@@ -293,6 +306,7 @@ import { pieOptions, barOptions } from './echarts-data'
import { reactive, onMounted, watchEffect } from "vue";
import { vue3ScrollSeamless } from "vue3-scroll-seamless";
import * as UserApi from '@/api/system/user'
+import * as DeptApi from '@/api/system/dept'
import { StudentAttendanceApi } from '@/api/system/studentAttendance'
defineOptions({ name: 'Home' })
@@ -352,7 +366,7 @@ const getProject = async () => {
let totalSate = reactive<WorkplaceTotal>({
normalNum: 0,
errorNum: 0,
- ExcuNum: 0,
+ excuseNum: 0,
const getCount = async () => {
const data = await StudentAttendanceApi.getDayAttendance()
@@ -360,14 +374,13 @@ const getCount = async () => {
totalSate = Object.assign(totalSate, data)
-/**毕业达成统计 */
+// /**毕业达成统计 */
let pieOptionsData = reactive<EChartsOption>(pieOptions) as EChartsOption
-const getUserAccessSource = async () => {
- const data = [
- { value: 1048, name: '达成人数' },
- { value: 735, name: '未达成人数' },
- ];
+const getGraduateCount = async () => {
+ const data = await UserApi.getGraduateCount()
+ console.log("毕业达成统计", data);
+ const studentNum = data[0].studentNum;
+ const graduateNum = data[1].graduateNum;
const options = {
title: {
text: null,
@@ -388,31 +401,50 @@ const getUserAccessSource = async () => {
center: ['50%', '85%'], // 中心位置
startAngle: 180,
endAngle: 360,
- data: data.map(v => ({
- value: v.value,
- name: t(v.name),
- label: {
- show: true,
- position: 'outside', // 拉出标注
- formatter: '{b}: {c}', // 显示名称和数值
- // 可以自定义引线的样式
- emphasis: {
+ data: [
+ {
+ value: graduateNum, // 畢業生数量
+ name: '已达成', // 国际化名称或直接用字符串 '毕业生'
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ position: 'outside', // 拉出标注
+ formatter: '{b}: {c}', // 显示名称和数值
+ emphasis: {
+ show: true,
+ },
+ },
+ labelLine: {
show: true,
+ length: 75,
+ length2: 10,
+ smooth: true,
+ lineDash: [5, 5],
- // 自定义引线样式
- labelLine: {
- show: true,
- length: 75, // 引线长度
- length2: 10, // 后半段引线的长度
- smooth: true, // 引线是否平滑
- lineDash: [5, 5], // 引线虚线样式
+ {
+ value: studentNum, // 在校生数量(总在校生减去毕业生)
+ name: '未达成', // 国际化名称或直接用字符串 '在校生'
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ position: 'outside',
+ formatter: '{b}: {c}',
+ emphasis: {
+ show: true,
+ },
+ },
+ labelLine: {
+ show: true,
+ length: 75,
+ length2: 10,
+ smooth: true,
+ lineDash: [5, 5],
+ },
- })),
+ ],
itemStyle: {
// 设置饼图的颜色
color: function (params) {
- const colorList = ['#94d6da', '#00a6ac']; // 定义颜色数组
+ const colorList = ['#2585a6','#5cb5e3' ]; // 定义颜色数组
return colorList[params.dataIndex]; // 根据数据索引返回对应的颜色
@@ -420,61 +452,39 @@ const getUserAccessSource = async () => {
- set(
- pieOptionsData,
- 'legend.data',
- data.map((v) => t(v.name))
- );
+// // set(
+// // pieOptionsData,
+// // 'legend.data',
+// // data.map((v) => t(v.name))
+// // );
pieOptionsData = Object.assign(pieOptionsData, options);
/**周出勤情况 */
let barOptionsData = reactive<EChartsOption>(barOptions) as EChartsOption
- const getWeekend = async () => {
- try {
- const res = await StudentAttendanceApi.getWeekendAttendance();
- console.log("周出勤情况", res);
- // 更新图表数据
- barOptionsData.series = [
- {
- name: '正常出勤',
- type: 'bar',
- data: [res.normalNum], // 将正常出勤人数放入数据中
- },
- {
- name: '缺勤',
- type: 'bar',
- data: [res.errorNum], // 将缺勤人数放入数据中
- }
- ];
- } catch (error) {
- console.error("获取周出勤情况失败:", error);
- }
+const getWeekend = async () => {
+ const data = await StudentAttendanceApi.getWeekendAttendance();
+ console.log("周出勤情况", data);
+ const normalData = data.dailyNormalList
+ const errorData = data.dailyErrorList;
+ const excuseData = data.dailyExcuseList;
+ barOptionsData.series[0].data = normalData;
+ barOptionsData.series[1].data = errorData;
+ barOptionsData.series[2].data = excuseData;
+const params = reactive({
+ list: []
/**缺勤预警 */
-const list2 = reactive([
- { trainNumber: '张一', destination: '101', departureTime: '09:00', ID: '10' },
- { trainNumber: '张二', destination: '102', departureTime: '09:15', ID: '15' },
- { trainNumber: '张三', destination: '103', departureTime: '09:30', ID: '13' },
- { trainNumber: '张四', destination: '104', departureTime: '09:45', ID: '18' },
- { trainNumber: '张五', destination: '105', departureTime: '10:00', ID: '19' },
- { trainNumber: '李一', destination: '201', departureTime: '10:15', ID: '12' },
- { trainNumber: '李二', destination: '202', departureTime: '10:30', ID: '02' },
- { trainNumber: '李三', destination: '203', departureTime: '10:45', ID: '09' },
- { trainNumber: '李四', destination: '204', departureTime: '11:00', ID: '16' },
- { trainNumber: '李五', destination: '205', departureTime: '11:15', ID: '20' },
- { trainNumber: '王一', destination: '301', departureTime: '11:30', ID: '28' },
- { trainNumber: '王二', destination: '302', departureTime: '11:45', ID: '36' },
- { trainNumber: '王三', destination: '303', departureTime: '12:00', ID: '07' },
- { trainNumber: '王四', destination: '304', departureTime: '12:15', ID: '41' },
- { trainNumber: '王五', destination: '305', departureTime: '12:30', ID: '15' },
- { trainNumber: '王六', destination: '306', departureTime: '12:45', ID: '22' },
- { trainNumber: '王七', destination: '307', departureTime: '13:00', ID: '27' }
+let list2 = reactive([]);
+const getStudentAttendanceError = async () => {
+ const data = await StudentAttendanceApi.getStudentAttendanceErrorPage(params)
+ console.log("缺勤列表", data);
+ list2.splice(0, list2.length, ...data.list);
const class2Options = reactive({
step: 0.5,//滚动速度值越大越快,但是值太小会卡顿
limitMoveNum: list2.length,//无缝滚动列表元素的长度,一般设置为列表的长度
@@ -483,26 +493,12 @@ const class2Options = reactive({
/**实时打卡状态 */
-const list = reactive([
- { trainNumber: '张一', destination: '101', departureTime: '09:00', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '张二', destination: '102', departureTime: '09:15', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '张三', destination: '103', departureTime: '09:30', status: '晚点' },
- { trainNumber: '张四', destination: '104', departureTime: '09:45', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '张五', destination: '105', departureTime: '10:00', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '李一', destination: '201', departureTime: '10:15', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '李二', destination: '202', departureTime: '10:30', status: '晚点' },
- { trainNumber: '李三', destination: '203', departureTime: '10:45', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '李四', destination: '204', departureTime: '11:00', status: '晚点' },
- { trainNumber: '李五', destination: '205', departureTime: '11:15', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '王一', destination: '301', departureTime: '11:30', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '王二', destination: '302', departureTime: '11:45', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '王三', destination: '303', departureTime: '12:00', status: '晚点' },
- { trainNumber: '王四', destination: '304', departureTime: '12:15', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '王五', destination: '305', departureTime: '12:30', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '王六', destination: '306', departureTime: '12:45', status: '准点' },
- { trainNumber: '王七', destination: '307', departureTime: '13:00', status: '晚点' }
+const list = reactive([]);
+const getStudentAttendance = async () => {
+ const data = await StudentAttendanceApi.getStudentAttendancePage(params)
+ console.log("打卡列表", data);
+ list.splice(0, list.length, ...data.list);
const classOptions = reactive({
step: 0.5,//滚动速度值越大越快,但是值太小会卡顿
limitMoveNum: list.length,//无缝滚动列表元素的长度,一般设置为列表的长度
@@ -512,31 +508,16 @@ const classOptions = reactive({
/** 学生毕业条件达成率 */
-const list1 = reactive([
- { destination: '101', departureNumber: '98%' },
- { destination: '102', departureNumber: '94%' },
- { destination: '103', departureNumber: '96%' },
- { destination: '104', departureNumber: '98%' },
- { destination: '105', departureNumber: '93%' },
- { destination: '201', departureNumber: '97%' },
- { destination: '202', departureNumber: '95%' },
- { destination: '203', departureNumber: '98%' },
- { destination: '204', departureNumber: '96%' },
- { destination: '205', departureNumber: '94%' },
- { destination: '301', departureNumber: '97%' },
- { destination: '302', departureNumber: '96%' },
- { destination: '303', departureNumber: '95%' },
- { destination: '304', departureNumber: '97%' },
- { destination: '305', departureNumber: '98%' },
- { destination: '306', departureNumber: '99%' },
- { destination: '307', departureNumber: '96%' }
+const list1 = reactive([]);
+const getGraduationSource = async () => {
+ const data = await DeptApi.getGraduationSource()
+ console.log("毕业条件达成率", data);
+ list1.splice(0, list1.length, ...data);
const list1Options = reactive({
step: 0.5,//滚动速度值越大越快,但是值太小会卡顿
limitMoveNum: list1.length,//无缝滚动列表元素的长度,一般设置为列表的长度
direction: 1,//方向: 0 往下 1 往上 2 向左 3 向右。
onMounted(() => {
@@ -544,7 +525,10 @@ onMounted(() => {
- // getNotice()
+ getStudentAttendanceError()
+ getStudentAttendance()
+ getGraduationSource()
+ getGraduateCount()
@@ -780,6 +764,11 @@ const getAllApi = async () => {
await getDetail(),
+ getWeekend(),
+ getStudentAttendanceError(),
+ getStudentAttendance(),
+ getGraduationSource(),
+ getGraduateCount(),
// getNotice(),
// getBasic(),
// getShortcut(),
@@ -789,15 +778,6 @@ const getAllApi = async () => {
loading.value = false
-watchEffect(detail => {
- console.log('detail', detail)
- // getBasic()
-// onMounted(() => {
-// })