@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ public interface studentSelectSupervisorRecordMapper extends BaseMapperX<student
List<PrintBookVO> getSelectionBookListByProjectId( @Param("projectId") Integer projectId);
- @Select("SELECT supervisor_signature FROM student_select_supervisor_record WHERE supervisor_id=#{supervisorId} AND select_type =2 AND supervisor_signature IS NOT NULL AND supervisor_signature != '' AND deleted =0 ORDER BY ABS(DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), supervisor_sign_date)) LIMIT 1")
+ @Select("SELECT supervisor_signature FROM student_select_supervisor_record WHERE supervisor_id=#{supervisorId} AND select_type =2 AND supervisor_signature IS NOT NULL AND supervisor_signature != '' AND deleted =0 ORDER BY supervisor_sign_date DESC LIMIT 1")
String getSupervisorSignatureById(@Param("supervisorId") Long supervisorId);