auth->id) ->where('create_time', 'BETWEEN', $tempToday0 . ',' . $tempToday24) ->sum('score'); $userMoneyTemp = UserMoneyLog::where('user_id', $this->auth->id) ->where('create_time', 'BETWEEN', $tempToday0 . ',' . $tempToday24) ->sum('money'); $money[$i] = bcdiv($userMoneyTemp, 100, 2); } $this->success('', [ 'days' => $days, 'score' => $score, 'money' => $money, ]); } /** * 会员资料 * @throws Throwable */ public function profile(): void { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $data = $this->request->only(['id', 'avatar', 'username', 'nickname', 'gender', 'birthday', 'motto']); if (!isset($data['birthday'])) $data['birthday'] = null; try { $validate = new AccountValidate(); $validate->scene('edit')->check($data); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } $model = $this->auth->getUser(); $model->startTrans(); try { $model->save($data); $model->commit(); } catch (Throwable $e) { $model->rollback(); $this->error($e->getMessage()); } $this->success(__('Data updated successfully~')); } $this->success('', [ 'accountVerificationType' => get_account_verification_type() ]); } /** * 通过手机号或邮箱验证账户 * 此处检查的验证码是通过 api/Ems或api/Sms发送的 * 验证成功后,向前端返回一个 email-pass Token或着 mobile-pass Token * 在 changBind 方法中,通过 pass Token来确定用户已经通过了账户验证(用户未绑定邮箱/手机时通过账户密码验证) * @throws Throwable */ public function verification(): void { $captcha = new Captcha(); $params = $this->request->only(['type', 'captcha']); if ($captcha->check($params['captcha'], ($params['type'] == 'email' ? $this->auth->email : $this->auth->mobile) . "user_{$params['type']}_verify")) { $uuid = Random::uuid(); Token::set($uuid, $params['type'] . '-pass', $this->auth->id, 600); $this->success('', [ 'type' => $params['type'], 'accountVerificationToken' => $uuid, ]); } $this->error(__('Please enter the correct verification code')); } /** * 修改绑定信息(手机号、邮箱) * 通过 pass Token来确定用户已经通过了账户验证,也就是以上的 verification 方法,同时用户未绑定邮箱/手机时通过账户密码验证 * @throws Throwable */ public function changeBind(): void { $captcha = new Captcha(); $params = $this->request->only(['type', 'captcha', 'email', 'mobile', 'accountVerificationToken', 'password']); $user = $this->auth->getUser(); if ($user[$params['type']]) { if (!Token::check($params['accountVerificationToken'], $params['type'] . '-pass', $user->id, false)) { $this->error(__('You need to verify your account before modifying the binding information')); } } else { // 验证账户密码 if (!isset($params['password']) || $user->password != encrypt_password($params['password'], $user->salt)) { $this->error(__('Password error')); } } // 检查验证码 if ($captcha->check($params['captcha'], $params[$params['type']] . "user_change_{$params['type']}")) { if ($params['type'] == 'email') { $validate = Validate::rule(['email' => 'require|email|unique:user'])->message([ 'email.require' => 'email format error', '' => 'email format error', 'email.unique' => 'email is occupied', ]); if (!$validate->check(['email' => $params['email']])) { $this->error(__($validate->getError())); } $user->email = $params['email']; } elseif ($params['type'] == 'mobile') { $validate = Validate::rule(['mobile' => 'require|mobile|unique:user'])->message([ 'mobile.require' => 'mobile format error', '' => 'mobile format error', 'mobile.unique' => 'mobile is occupied', ]); if (!$validate->check(['mobile' => $params['mobile']])) { $this->error(__($validate->getError())); } $user->mobile = $params['mobile']; } Token::delete($params['accountVerificationToken']); $user->save(); $this->success(); } $this->error(__('Please enter the correct verification code')); } public function changePassword(): void { if ($this->request->isPost()) { $params = $this->request->only(['oldPassword', 'newPassword']); if (!$this->auth->checkPassword($params['oldPassword'])) { $this->error(__('Old password error')); } $model = $this->auth->getUser(); $model->startTrans(); try { $validate = new AccountValidate(); $validate->scene('changePassword')->check(['password' => $params['newPassword']]); $model->resetPassword($this->auth->id, $params['newPassword']); $model->commit(); } catch (Throwable $e) { $model->rollback(); $this->error($e->getMessage()); } $this->auth->logout(); $this->success(__('Password has been changed, please login again~')); } } /** * 积分日志 * @throws Throwable */ public function integral(): void { $limit = $this->request->request('limit'); $integralModel = new UserScoreLog(); $res = $integralModel->where('user_id', $this->auth->id) ->order('create_time desc') ->paginate($limit); $this->success('', [ 'list' => $res->items(), 'total' => $res->total(), ]); } /** * 余额日志 * @throws Throwable */ public function balance(): void { $limit = $this->request->request('limit'); $moneyModel = new UserMoneyLog(); $res = $moneyModel->where('user_id', $this->auth->id) ->order('create_time desc') ->paginate($limit); $this->success('', [ 'list' => $res->items(), 'total' => $res->total(), ]); } /** * 找回密码 * @throws Throwable */ public function retrievePassword(): void { $params = $this->request->only(['type', 'account', 'captcha', 'password']); try { $validate = new AccountValidate(); $validate->scene('retrievePassword')->check($params); } catch (Throwable $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage()); } if ($params['type'] == 'email') { $user = User::where('email', $params['account'])->find(); } else { $user = User::where('mobile', $params['account'])->find(); } if (!$user) { $this->error(__('Account does not exist~')); } $captchaObj = new Captcha(); if (!$captchaObj->check($params['captcha'], $params['account'] . 'user_retrieve_pwd')) { $this->error(__('Please enter the correct verification code')); } if ($user->resetPassword($user->id, $params['password'])) { $this->success(__('Password has been changed~')); } else { $this->error(__('Failed to modify password, please try again later~')); } } }