dashboard.vue 23 KB

  1. <template>
  2. <div class="wrapper">
  3. <div class="main">
  4. <el-row class="main-top" :gutter="20">
  5. <!-- 仪器总数 -->
  6. <el-col :sm="12" :lg="6">
  7. <el-card class="top-card" shadow="hover">
  8. <el-row justify="start">
  9. <el-col :span="15" class="title-box">
  10. <div class="title-top">{{ t('dashboard.Member registration') }}</div>
  11. <div class="title-center">{{ dbdata.count }} <i class="fa fa-level-up"
  12. aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
  13. </el-col>
  14. <el-col :span="6" class="top-progress" :push="3">
  15. <el-progress type="dashboard" :percentage=dbdata.count :format="format" :width="60"
  16. :color="colors"/>
  17. </el-col>
  18. </el-row>
  19. </el-card>
  20. </el-col>
  21. <!-- 总价值 -->
  22. <el-col :sm="12" :lg="6">
  23. <el-card class="top-card" shadow="hover">
  24. <el-row justify="start">
  25. <el-col :span="15" class="title-box">
  26. <div class="title-top">{{ t('dashboard.Attachment uploading') }}</div>
  27. <div class="title-center">{{ dbdata.value }}<i class="fa fa-level-up"
  28. aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
  29. </el-col>
  30. <el-col :span="6" class="top-progress" :push="3">
  31. <el-progress type="dashboard" :percentage="83" :format="format" :width="60"
  32. :color="colors"/>
  33. </el-col>
  34. </el-row>
  35. </el-card>
  36. </el-col>
  37. <!-- 借出数量 -->
  38. <el-col :sm="12" :lg="6">
  39. <el-card class="top-card" shadow="hover">
  40. <el-row justify="start">
  41. <el-col :span="15" class="title-box">
  42. <div class="title-top">{{ t('dashboard.Total number of members') }}</div>
  43. <div class="title-center">{{ dbdata.lent_number }} <i class="fa fa-level-up"
  44. aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
  45. </el-col>
  46. <el-col :span="6" class="top-progress" :push="3">
  47. <el-progress type="dashboard" :percentage=dbdata.lent_number :format="format"
  48. :width="60" :color="colors"/>
  49. </el-col>
  50. </el-row>
  51. </el-card>
  52. </el-col>
  53. <!-- 维修数量 -->
  54. <el-col :sm="12" :lg="6">
  55. <el-card class="top-card" shadow="hover">
  56. <el-row justify="start">
  57. <el-col :span="15" class="title-box">
  58. <div class="title-top">{{ t('dashboard.Module downloads') }}</div>
  59. <div class="title-center">{{ dbdata.repair_number }} <i class="fa fa-level-up"
  60. aria-hidden="true"></i></div>
  61. </el-col>
  62. <el-col :span="6" class="top-progress" :push="3">
  63. <el-progress type="dashboard" :percentage=dbdata.repair_number :format="format"
  64. :width="60" :color="colors"/>
  65. </el-col>
  66. </el-row>
  67. </el-card>
  68. </el-col>
  69. </el-row>
  70. <el-row class="main-center" :gutter="20">
  71. <!-- 欢迎区 -->
  72. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="6">
  73. <el-card class="card-message" shadow="hover">
  74. <div class="msg-title-box">
  75. <h4 class="title">{{ t('dashboard.Wellcom Back') }}, {{ adminInfo.nickname }}!!</h4>
  76. <p class="msg">
  77. {{ t('dashboard.Notice') }}
  78. </p>
  79. </div>
  80. <div class="wellcom-div"></div>
  81. </el-card>
  82. </el-col>
  83. <!-- 仪器借取数量 -->
  84. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="12">
  85. <el-card class="center-card" shadow="hover">
  86. <h6>{{ t('dashboard.Attachment Downloads') }}</h6>
  87. <div class="view-column" :ref="chartRefs.set"></div>
  88. </el-card>
  89. </el-col>
  90. <!-- 仪器类型比例 -->
  91. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="6">
  92. <el-card class="center-card" shadow="hover">
  93. <h6 class="user-source">{{ t('dashboard.Source Of User') }}</h6>
  94. <div class="view-pie" :ref="chartRefs.set"></div>
  95. </el-card>
  96. </el-col>
  97. </el-row>
  98. ` <!-- <el-row class="main-slide" :gutter="20">
  99. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="12">
  100. <el-card shadow="hover">
  101. <div class="slide-box">
  102. <el-col :span="12">
  103. <div class="slide-box-title">
  104. <i class="fa fa-file-archive-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> ZIP{{ t('dashboard.Export') }}
  105. </div>
  106. <h5>1,245</h5>
  107. </el-col>
  108. <el-col :span="12"
  109. ><el-progress :text-inside="true" :stroke-width="24" :percentage="52" status="success" color="#188df0"
  110. /></el-col>
  111. </div>
  112. </el-card>
  113. </el-col>
  114. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="12">
  115. <el-card shadow="hover">
  116. <div class="slide-box">
  117. <el-col :span="12">
  118. <div class="slide-box-title"><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> PDF{{ t('dashboard.Export') }}</div>
  119. <h5>1,872</h5>
  120. </el-col>
  121. <el-col :span="12"><el-progress :text-inside="true" :stroke-width="24" :percentage="73" status="success" /></el-col>
  122. </div>
  123. </el-card>
  124. </el-col>
  125. </el-row>` -->
  126. <el-row class="main-bottom" :gutter="20">
  127. <!-- 用户信息-->
  128. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="12" :lg="6">
  129. <el-card class="bottom-card" shadow="hover">
  130. <h6>{{ t('dashboard.Trading Volume Report') }}</h6>
  131. <div class="bottom-reports">
  132. <div>{{ t('dashboard.Available balance') }}</div>
  133. <h3>{{ dbdata.userinfo['用户总数'] }} </h3>
  134. <div class="reports-more">
  135. <div class="color-info">{{ t('dashboard.BUY THIS MONTH') }}</div>
  136. <h5>{{ dbdata.userinfo['教职工'] }}</h5>
  137. <div class="color-info">{{ t('dashboard.SELL THIS MONTH') }}</div>
  138. <h5>{{ dbdata.userinfo['学生'] }}</h5>
  139. </div>
  140. <el-button class="button-more" type="primary" @click="toadmin">{{
  141. t('dashboard.See More')
  142. }}
  143. </el-button>
  144. </div>
  145. </el-card>
  146. </el-col>
  147. <!-- 仪器借用排行 -->
  148. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="12" :lg="6">
  149. <el-card class="bottom-card" shadow="hover">
  150. <h6>{{ t('dashboard.Membership Growth') }}</h6>
  151. <div class="bottom-content">
  152. <div v-for="(data, index) in dbdata.q">
  153. <el-row class="content-info" align="middle" justify="space-between">
  154. <el-col :span="15">
  155. <div class="info-circle circle-orange"></div>
  156. <span class="info-title">{{ index }}</span></el-col
  157. >
  158. <el-col :span="9">
  159. <el-progress :percentage=data :format="format"/>
  160. </el-col>
  161. <el-divider/>
  162. </el-row>
  163. </div>
  164. </div>
  165. </el-card>
  166. </el-col>
  167. <!-- 访问增长量 -->
  168. <el-col :xs="24" :sm="24" :md="24" :lg="12"
  169. >
  170. <el-card class="bottom-card" shadow="hover">
  171. <h6>{{ t('dashboard.Access Growth') }}</h6>
  172. <div class="visitor-box" :ref="chartRefs.set"></div
  173. >
  174. </el-card>
  175. </el-col>
  176. </el-row>
  177. </div>
  178. </div>
  179. </template>
  180. <script setup lang="ts">
  181. import {useTemplateRefsList} from '@vueuse/core'
  182. import * as echarts from 'echarts'
  183. import {onMounted, nextTick, reactive, onActivated, onBeforeMount, watch} from 'vue'
  184. import {useNavTabs} from '/@/stores/navTabs'
  185. import {useAdminInfo} from '/@/stores/adminInfo'
  186. import {useI18n} from 'vue-i18n'
  187. import {ref} from 'vue'
  188. import {useRouter} from 'vue-router'
  189. import createAxios from '/@/utils/axios'
  190. var dbdata = ref('')
  191. await createAxios({
  192. url: '/api/ScreenData/getdata',
  193. method: 'get',
  194. },
  195. {
  196. loading: true,
  197. }
  198. ).then(async (val: any) => {
  199. dbdata.value = val.data
  200. })
  201. const router = useRouter()
  202. const toadmin = () =>{
  203. router .push('/admin/auth/admin');
  204. }
  205. const format = (percentage) => (percentage === 10000 ? 'Full' : `${percentage}`)
  206. const navTabs = useNavTabs()
  207. const adminInfo = useAdminInfo()
  208. const {t} = useI18n()
  209. const state: {
  210. charts: any[]
  211. } = reactive({
  212. charts: [],
  213. })
  214. const chartRefs = useTemplateRefsList<HTMLDivElement>()
  215. const colors = [
  216. {color: '#f56c6c', percentage: 20},
  217. {color: '#e6a23c', percentage: 40},
  218. {color: '#5cb87a', percentage: 60},
  219. {color: '#1989fa', percentage: 80},
  220. {color: '#6f7ad3', percentage: 100},
  221. ]
  222. const initUserGrowthChart = () => {
  223. const userGrowthChart = echarts.init(chartRefs.value[0] as HTMLElement)
  224. // prettier-ignore
  225. let dataAxis = [
  226. t('dashboard.Jan'), t('dashboard.Feb'), t('dashboard.Mar'), t('dashboard.Apr'), t('dashboard.May'), t('dashboard.Jun')
  227. , t('dashboard.Jul'), t('dashboard.Aug'), t('dashboard.Sept'), t('dashboard.Oct'), t('dashboard.Nov'), t('dashboard.Jan'),];
  228. // prettier-ignore
  229. let data = [dbdata.value.mq['01'], dbdata.value.mq['02'], dbdata.value.mq['03'], dbdata.value.mq['04'], dbdata.value.mq['05'],
  230. dbdata.value.mq['06'], dbdata.value.mq['07'], dbdata.value.mq['08'], dbdata.value.mq['09'], dbdata.value.mq['10'], dbdata.value.mq['11'], dbdata.value.mq['12']];
  231. let yMax = 500
  232. let dataShadow = []
  233. for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
  234. dataShadow.push(yMax)
  235. }
  236. const option = {
  237. xAxis: {
  238. data: dataAxis,
  239. axisLabel: {
  240. inside: true,
  241. color: '#fff',
  242. },
  243. axisTick: {
  244. show: false,
  245. },
  246. axisLine: {
  247. show: false,
  248. },
  249. z: 10,
  250. },
  251. yAxis: {
  252. axisLine: {
  253. show: false,
  254. },
  255. axisTick: {
  256. show: false,
  257. },
  258. axisLabel: {
  259. color: '#999',
  260. },
  261. },
  262. dataZoom: [
  263. {
  264. type: 'inside',
  265. },
  266. ],
  267. series: [
  268. {
  269. type: 'bar',
  270. showBackground: true,
  271. itemStyle: {
  272. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
  273. {offset: 0, color: '#83bff6'},
  274. {offset: 0.5, color: '#188df0'},
  275. {offset: 1, color: '#188df0'},
  276. ]),
  277. },
  278. emphasis: {
  279. itemStyle: {
  280. color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [
  281. {offset: 0, color: '#2378f7'},
  282. {offset: 0.7, color: '#2378f7'},
  283. {offset: 1, color: '#83bff6'},
  284. ]),
  285. },
  286. },
  287. data: data,
  288. },
  289. ],
  290. }
  291. // Enable data zoom when user click bar.
  292. const zoomSize = 6
  293. userGrowthChart.on('click', function (params) {
  294. // console.log(dataAxis[Math.max(params.dataIndex - zoomSize / 2, 0)])
  295. userGrowthChart.dispatchAction({
  296. type: 'dataZoom',
  297. startValue: dataAxis[Math.max(params.dataIndex - zoomSize / 2, 0)],
  298. endValue: dataAxis[Math.min(params.dataIndex + zoomSize / 2, data.length - 1)],
  299. })
  300. })
  301. userGrowthChart.setOption(option)
  302. state.charts.push(userGrowthChart)
  303. }
  304. const initUserSource = () => {
  305. const userSource = echarts.init(chartRefs.value[1] as HTMLElement)
  306. const option = {
  307. tooltip: {
  308. trigger: 'item',
  309. },
  310. legend: {
  311. top: '5%',
  312. left: 'center',
  313. textStyle: {
  314. color: '#73767a',
  315. },
  316. },
  317. series: [
  318. {
  319. name: t('dashboard.Source details'),
  320. type: 'pie',
  321. radius: ['40%', '70%'],
  322. avoidLabelOverlap: false,
  323. label: {
  324. show: false,
  325. position: 'center',
  326. color: '#73767a',
  327. },
  328. emphasis: {
  329. label: {
  330. show: true,
  331. fontSize: '15',
  332. fontWeight: 'bold',
  333. },
  334. },
  335. labelLine: {
  336. show: false,
  337. },
  338. data: [
  339. {value: dbdata.value.a['水准仪'], name: t('dashboard.sz')},
  340. {value: dbdata.value.a['RTK'], name: t('dashboard.rtk')},
  341. {value: dbdata.value.a['全站仪'], name: t('dashboard.qzy')},
  342. {value: dbdata.value.a['无人机'], name: t('dashboard.wrj')},
  343. {value: dbdata.value.a['配件及其他'], name: t('dashboard.Other')},
  344. ],
  345. },
  346. ],
  347. }
  348. userSource.setOption(option)
  349. state.charts.push(userSource)
  350. }
  351. const initUserAdd = () => {
  352. const userAdd = echarts.init(chartRefs.value[2] as HTMLElement)
  353. const option = {
  354. xAxis: {
  355. type: 'category',
  356. data: [
  357. t('dashboard.Monday'),
  358. t('dashboard.Tuesday'),
  359. t('dashboard.Wednesday'),
  360. t('dashboard.Thursday'),
  361. t('dashboard.Friday'),
  362. t('dashboard.Saturday'),
  363. t('dashboard.Sunday'),
  364. ],
  365. },
  366. yAxis: {
  367. type: 'value',
  368. },
  369. series: [
  370. {
  371. data: [150, 230, 224, 218, 135, 147, 260],
  372. type: 'line',
  373. },
  374. ],
  375. }
  376. userAdd.setOption(option)
  377. state.charts.push(userAdd)
  378. }
  379. const echartsResize = () => {
  380. nextTick(() => {
  381. for (const key in state.charts) {
  382. state.charts[key].resize()
  383. }
  384. })
  385. }
  386. onMounted(() => {
  387. initUserGrowthChart()
  388. initUserSource()
  389. initUserAdd()
  390. window.addEventListener('resize', echartsResize)
  391. })
  392. onBeforeMount(() => {
  393. for (const key in state.charts) {
  394. state.charts[key].dispose()
  395. }
  396. window.removeEventListener('resize', echartsResize)
  397. })
  398. onActivated(() => {
  399. echartsResize()
  400. })
  401. watch(
  402. () => navTabs.state.tabFullScreen,
  403. () => {
  404. echartsResize()
  405. }
  406. )
  407. </script>
  408. <style scoped lang="scss">
  409. .wrapper {
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  420. > * {
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  447. justify-content: start;
  448. }
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  452. margin-top: 1rem;
  453. > * {
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  476. text-align: center;
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  478. }
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  484. text-align: center;
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  532. > * {
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  588. background-color: green;
  589. }
  590. .circle-silver {
  591. background-color: silver;
  592. }
  593. }
  594. }
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  596. height: 400px;
  597. }
  598. }
  599. }
  600. }
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